Sales representative

First Name: Emmanuel John
E-Mail Address:
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: 0501749472
Job Position Applying For: Salesman
Current Job Title: Sales representative
Total Years of Experience: 2
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: EMMANUEL IGBOKWE
Sheikh saqr bin Khalid AL qwasimi st/s120
 Skills
. Expert knowledge of the selling
process and effective sales
techniques. . Excellent
communicator and Relationship
building skills. . Outstanding ability
to build solid rapport with
customers and internal suppliers .
Highly skilled in providing costumer
service order processing, and
cashier management.
 Publication
Health blogger and Website
Administrator of the /
 Language
Expert in English
 Achievements & Awards
More than 2 years experience in
sales industry.
 Personal Details
Date of Birth : 10/10/1998
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Nigeria
My cv :
 Objective
I am a self-motivated, energetic and hardworking sales
representative Seeking a sales job that offers a vibrant
workplace where I can use my solid sales experience and
proven customer- relationship strengths to achieve
challenging sales goals.
 Experience
Dangote business group
2015 - 2017
Sales representative
. Greeted and obtained information on customers' needs
and showed them ranges of clothing materials
. Selected dresses as per customer's choice and
preference and convinced them for a trial
. Accepted dresses from customers returned for losing
color and getting shrunk after one wash
. Operated computerized sales tracking systems and
updated sales transactions
. Assisted in taking clothing stock of the store and goods
ordered to manufacturing companies
. Sold clothes suitable for the season and informed
customers upon new arrivals
. Providing excellent shopping environment to customers
and generating maximum business results
. Developing and sustaining friendly relationships with
. Wishing customers on their birthdays and anniversary
through SMS and emails
. Guiding and recommending clothes to customers
matching with their personality
 Education
Community secondary school Lagos Nigeria.
Senior secondary school certificate / WAEC

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