Full Name: Amin Aziza
E-Mail Address: amin.aziza86@gmail.com
Mobile Number: 00971547598707
Current Location - City/Country: Dubai, UAE
Sector : Sales/Marketing
Job Designation (Current): Store Supervisor
Job Designation (Wanted): Store Supervisor
Main Skill Set/Expertise: Customer Service And Hospitality
Experience in Number of Years: 7
Highest Degree/ Diploma/ Certification: hotel management and customer service
Visit Visa Expiry Date: 26/04/2020
E-Mail Address: amin.aziza86@gmail.com
Mobile Number: 00971547598707
Current Location - City/Country: Dubai, UAE
Sector : Sales/Marketing
Job Designation (Current): Store Supervisor
Job Designation (Wanted): Store Supervisor
Main Skill Set/Expertise: Customer Service And Hospitality
Experience in Number of Years: 7
Highest Degree/ Diploma/ Certification: hotel management and customer service
Visit Visa Expiry Date: 26/04/2020