First Name: Omar Ramoun
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Country: Egypt
Phone: +201095219204
Job Position Applying For: Front End Developer
Current Job Title: Front End Developer
Total Years of Experience: 5 years
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Showing posts with label Information Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Information Technology. Show all posts
Business Analyst
First Name: Hummad
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Country: Pakistan
Phone: 923312831510
Job Position Applying For: Business Analyst
Current Job Title: Software Business Analyst
Total Years of Experience: 5 years
E-Mail Address:
Country: Pakistan
Phone: 923312831510
Job Position Applying For: Business Analyst
Current Job Title: Software Business Analyst
Total Years of Experience: 5 years
IT System Admin, CCTV Monitoring
First Name: pathan ibrahim khan
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: 09902842271
Job Position Applying For: IT System Admin & Cctv Monitoring
Current Job Title: IT system administrator
Total Years of Experience: 8
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: 09902842271
Job Position Applying For: IT System Admin & Cctv Monitoring
Current Job Title: IT system administrator
Total Years of Experience: 8
Data Entry
First Name: mohamed saleem
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: 0558542139
Job Position Applying For: Data entry
Current Job Title: Data Entry
Total Years of Experience: 11
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: With 11 years of experience in the UAE, I have a background in data entry (4 years), document control (7 years), and 5 years of experience in India. I am skilled in tackling challenging tasks and possess a proven track record of delivering exceptional results.
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: 0558542139
Job Position Applying For: Data entry
Current Job Title: Data Entry
Total Years of Experience: 11
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: With 11 years of experience in the UAE, I have a background in data entry (4 years), document control (7 years), and 5 years of experience in India. I am skilled in tackling challenging tasks and possess a proven track record of delivering exceptional results.
IT Engineer - Machine Learning/BIGDATA/IoT/System Admin
On Wed Jul 19 03:06:45 2023, the following results were submitted from the "Bismillah Alhamdolillah CV" on
First Name: Nirmal Tej Kumar
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: 09160921416
Job Position Applying For: IT Engineer - Machine Learning/BIGDATA/IoT/System Admin
Current Job Title: Senior Staff Engineer - Informatics R&D
Total Years of Experience: 15
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: Resume :
Dr.Nirmal Tej Kumar -> Informatics R&D -> Embedded Systems/Bio-informatics/Machine Learning/
Image Processing/Applied Mathematics/Software Development/QA&Test Automation/BIGDATA.
B.Engg(EEE)India,M.Sc Laser Physics(UK),Ph.D Nanotechnology(P.R.China)
VIT SP,Brazil/FIT Labs Grenoble,France (most recent IoT R&D Collaboration)
Researcher – Informatics ICST,UNESP,Sorocaba,SP,Brazil./Laptec - Advanced Plasma Physics Labs/
GEA-Environmental Engineering Group,UNESP,Sorocaba,SP,Brazil.
Researcher – Informatics Inova Tech Park,Sorocaba,SP,Brazil.
Current Member - ante Institute,UTD,Dallas,TX,USA.
Staff Engineer Photonics – Finisar Corporation,Sunnyvale,CA,USA.(recent firm I worked for)
Test Engineer Photonics – Finisar Corporation,Ipoh,Malaysia.(recent firm I worked for)
Contact info : ; ; skype id : nirmaltejkumar
Objective/s :
Seeking a challenging position either in the IT Industry or Academia.Over 14+ years of Linux/Unix/ Windows system level
operating system administration and configuration management experience in addition to programming in C/C++/Java/Scala/
Python/Ruby/Rust/D Language/OCaml/Haskell/Golang/Erlang FPL - Functional Programming Languages based software
development,embedded Systems and firmware development internationally.Excellent oral and written communications skills.
Good system design and documentation skills.I worked in both industry and academia.Open and flexible on assignments
and tasks. Love to travel internationally.
Worked in the following industrial domains implementing IT solutions :
Semiconductors/Space/Nanotechnology/Bio-Technology/Telecoms/Textiles/Healthcare/Medicine/Bio-Informatics/AI & ML based Image
Processing/Multimedia/Library & Information Sciences-Focusing on Science & Technology related Documentation.
Proven Skills in both the Industry & the Academia :
Embedded Systems/Firmware/Imaging & Multimedia/Electronics/Photonics/Optical Computing/Nanotechnology/Semiconductors/
Instrumentation/Systems Administration/Bio-informatics/HPC - High Performance Computing/AI/ML/NLP/Bio-NLP/RPA Applications.
Some of my Technical Works on github : -> Lot of information from our past projects.
C • C++ • C# • ARM Assembly • TI DSP Assembly • 68K Assembly • HTML Perl • PHP • Python • bash • MySQL •
Green Hills Software • Code Composer GCC • IAR Embedded Workbench • C++ Builder • Visual Studio • Rhapsody
UML Subversion • Linux • USB • HPUX • TCP/IP • AIX • RS232 • RTOS • RS422/485 ARM926 • GPIB • ARM968 • SPI
• ARM11 • I2C • STMP3600 • Ethernet AL5300/AL5350 • HDLC Git • HX3100 DSP • NFC • CVS • ARM Cortex A8
Source Safe • ARM Cortex M4 • Clear Case • Beagleboard/bone. TKernel based Embedded Systems Design.
[ Image Processing + Multimedia R&D ]
Developed methods and theory for practical applications in : Biomedical Imaging, Industrial Vision, Material Sciences and Remote
Sensing Applications.Main fields of interest include but not limited to : Pattern recognition, Analysis of color images, Clinical applications
of imaging systems, Image segmentation, Biological and computational vision systems, Computer graphics, Robot vision research,
Virtual reality and stereoscopic vision.Cryo-EM Imaging Algorithms.Spin Glass Theory and Imaging Applications. NLP and Image
Processing Applications. Robotic Process Automation(RPA) for Healthcare/Medical Imaging/Computational Linguistics and Natural
Language Processing(CLNLP) in the Context of Robotics/Health Care.(Computational linguistics bridges Artificial Intelligence
with Health Care/Computational Linguistics for referent tracking in Electronic Healthcare Records(EHR) )
Extensively used Tensor Flow & Keras in my Industrial Projects + Academic Projects involving Smart Devices/IoT/HPC Environments.Multimedia + Machine Learning R&D Experience :
Medical images and multimedia data management and processing in the context of Wearables/IoT/HPC/Quantum Computing
Heterogeneous Environment/s.
Software used in my Multimedia R&D Projects both in Industry & Academia :
Haxe - Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language, a cross-compiler, a
complete cross-platform standard library and ways to access each platform's native capabilities.UX/UI guidelines for VR/AR/XR
apps and Spatial Computing. []
ImageAI - State-of-the-art Recognition and Detection AI with few lines of code. -> AI with Python for advanced Image Processing.
.NET Technologies in Advanced Medical Imaging & Applications - IoT/HPC/AI/WindowsOS/LinuxOS based
Heterogeneous Environments.[IKVM.NET/JNBridgePro]
UX Design Skills in the context of Medical Image Processing & Healthcare Informatics Using AI/Machine Learning.
Natural Language Processing(NLP) Tools in Java & Python -Multimedia R&D.
(Direct Hands-on Experience in using the NLP/BioNLP Tools in both the Industry & Academia).
CoreNLP is the production-ready solution built and maintained by Stanford group.
[ ]/CoreNLP, the Java library well-known for its speed - Used in my Projects.
CoreNLP is widely used in production environments nowadays, as it is polished, fast, and provides precise results.
NLTK, the most widely-mentioned NLP library for Python/Gensim, a library for document similarity analysis/
SpaCy, an industrial-strength NLP library built for performance .
An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
Biomedical Natural Language Processing - BioNLP Tools -
Life Science and Healthcare NLP based AI with Real life NLP text mining -Extracting insights from real world data e.g. NLP in
oncology including tumor characteristics and bio-markers etc.Erlang based AI + Bio-informatics & Gene Chip Design.
Google App Engine - Cloud Computing SDK, API and Platform + Applications in Python & Java.Groovy and Gaelyk – a lightweight
toolkit for Google Application Engine(GAE) written in Groovy for JVM Environments.
SAS - Using AI/ML/NLP – Telecommunications/Life Sciences Industrial R&D Domains.
Dr.Racket based LoP w.r.t Hardware Testing/Verification by using Android + Video DSLs + Redex/AAM + Deep Learning + Macros.
Rust : Developing Advanced Technology in Space + Medicine + Telecoms + IoT + HPC Systems R&D + Machine Learning.
Golang : Developing Advanced Medical Imaging & Machine Learning Software.
KOKA -> NLP + Radiology Informatics - KOKA is from Microsoft Research -> Could be useful in the "Near Future".
Hardware & Software Skills - Industry related experience :
Experienced Software/Hardware/Firmware Engineer with broadbased experience, including extensive experience in embedded
micro controller based system software architecture/design, team/technical leadership, multitasking embedded real-time systems,
device drivers, communication protocols.
Fortran,C,C++,Dynamic C,Java,Python,Vissim ,Lab View/ libSVM,BISVM,BSVM(Support Vector Machines). Bio-informatics/Compiler
Construction using GENTLE Compiler System from Fraunhofer institute,Germany.T Kernel based Embedded Systems Programming
for hi-end instrumentation systems.T Kernel is available from University of Tokyo,Japan.
Selection of hardware & software for project. Programming & Troubleshooting of PLCs, HMIs & SCADA applications (majorly GE Fanuc
Series,Rockwell and Mitsubishi).Working with various industrial protocols like Modbus, Profibus, Controlnet, Devicenet, Ethernet etc.
Technical understanding of GSM systems,Prepaid Mobile Telecoms Environment/ CAMEL/SS7/ISUP/NAP/MAP/SIP Linux – Strong
technical understanding/SQL – Experience supporting, setting up and a basic understanding of writing basic queries.Eclipse Luna SDK – Kotlin/Scala/C/C++ ; Netbeans C/C++/Java/Scala;Qt IDE C/C++;Intel IoT XDK;Jikes RVM; IntelliJ IDEA
Platform etc;Android development.KAndroid and application development.Flexible and open to work with other technologies
as well.(e.g. C Sharp or C#;Prolog;Dr.Racket/Rust/Erlang) Atom/Haskell EDSL/GHC Glasgow Haskell Compiler for Embedded
Systems. Haxe for Multimedia applications and Mobile App Development. ADA based Embedded Systems development for
mission critical systems in hi-tech domains of industry. e.g. Medical Devices.
Mathematical Skills Used in Industry & Academia in my R&D Works :
Group Theory and Applications/Computer Algebraic Systems/Analysis of PDEs/ODEs/Combinatorics/Commutative Algebra/CCS
formalisms/Complex Variables/Clifford Algebra/ Lie Algebra/Dynamical Systems/Functional Analysis,Fourier analysis and Number
theory. Complex Analysis and Conformal Mapping. Information Theory.
Unconventional Computing/Cellular Automata/Quantum Cellular Automata Logic/Mathematical Physics/Number Theory/Numerical
Analysis/ Operator Algebras/Optimization and Control/ Probability/ Quantum Algebra/Quantum Computational Theories.
Spectral Theory/Statistics Theory/Data Mining algorithms for next generation sequencing/Graph Kernels for Data
Analysis/Support Vector Machines for high end or big-data analysis or classifications/Groebner Bases and applications/
Spin Glass Theories/Algebraic Geometry/Algorithmic Algebraic Geometry/Algebraic Topology.
Bio-informatics/Computational Genomics Experience : R&D of Mathematical methods used for studying genes
and their function in different model species/the technologies employed in modern genomics research/methods and
protocols of bio-informatics analysis in genomics studies/algorithmic,mathematical and statistical approaches
underlying bio-informatics and genomics analysis tools/data base technologies for the storage and organization
of the data/modeling and analysis techniques employed in systems biology for the study of interactions in complex
biological systems.e.g. DNA based Nanotechnology/Gene Chip Design/Gene Therapy/Drug Delivery Systems/
Theoretical Immunology/Protein Folding Mechanisms/Meta-genomics for Pathogen detection & Public health etc...
Cryo-EM Informatics R&D : Experience with data analysis, experimental process, design, and development of prototypes,
equipment, and/or systems related to area of specialization.Experience with software applications, systems, or programs relevant
for the job. AI/ML/DL based cryo-EM Informatics R&D involving Smart Devices + IoT + HPC Systems.
Countries Visited/Worked/in Collaboration with :
BRICS Group : Brazil/Russia/India/P.R.China & South Africa.
Specialist Skills :
Applied Mathematics/Algorithm design.Software development.NLP/NLP & Prolog interactions.
Artificial Intelligence and applications.Large scale data analysis and applications.Compiler Design techniques based on LLVM and
GENTLE Compiler Construction Systems.
Algebraic Geometry/Numerical Differential Geometry for computation.Graph theory and ML Applications.
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry/Group theory and Machine Learning Applications.
Algorithms for High Performance Computing./Assembly language programming/C/C++.
Mathematical Modeling/Microsoft Office/LaTeX.
Informatics IoT at Synchrotron Machines./Embedded Systems and Computing for Scientific Instrumentation.
Anticipatory Computing and IoT.(INTEL IoT) Machine Learning based applications.
ADA based Mission Critical Embedded Systems Development.Erlang based Advanced Software Design + Development.
CryoEM Imaging and Algorithm development.
Quantum Physics & Photonics.
Theoretical and Computational Electromagnetics : Wave Scattering, Absorbing Boundary Conditions, Calderon's
Potentials,Helmholtz Equation,Image Processing,Compact Finite Difference Schemes, Kernel Drivers, Networking,
WiFi,Embedded Systems.High order methods for numerical solution of PDEs/Numerical methods for infinite domain
problems.Wave propagation and scattering.Microwave absorbing textiles based on nanotechnology.Wave-guides
and applications. e.g Plasma Wave-guides,wave-guide coupled graphene optoelectronics etc..
* Patents & Publications are available + References from my former managers are available.Formal Methods and Tools for Industrial Critical Systems :
Requirements Specification./Validation of the specification./Design & Verification of the final product against the requirements./Group
Theory and Applications./Computer Algebraic Systems in different domains.[interested in the AI & ML domains of Remote Sensing/
Medical Imaging/Embedded Systems/Biochemical networks/NLP based Multimedia Systems/Bio-sensors/Sensory Data Fusion/GIS
Seismic Data Processing]
QA & Automation Testing : Automation testing tools(Selenium,Ranorex)/Ready-made automation frameworks (Serenity BDD,
Cypress)/Various mobile automation testing tools/API testing tools (jMeter,REST Assured)/Continuous integration tools
(Teamcity,Bamboo,Jenkins)/Postman/Zephyr - Test Management Tool.
Academic Qualifications :
Graduated in July1992 with a B.Engg(Electrical & Electronics) from Andhra University,Vizag,AP,India.
Graduated in January2004 with an MSc-Laser Physics,University of Hull,Hull,UK.
[Post graduation Study break from Sept 2002-September 2003]
Graduated in November 2012 with a Ph.D in Nanotechnology by obtaining distinction from Jiangnan
University,Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, P.R.China.
Advanced Instrumentation/Embedded Systems training received at FH-Furtwangen,Germany [2001]
[University of Applied Sciences Furtwangen under industrial sponsorship/executive training program one-week program]
Software development/Embedded Systems training received at CMC Ltd.India [1995]
[CMC-Computer Maintenance Corporation of India Ltd]
Academic High Performance Computing R&D Collaboration with University of Fukui Fukui Japan & State Engineering University of Armenia
(SEUA) Yerevan in Armenia.
Some information on Protein Folding Mechanisms : [a] ; [b]
[ USA ]
[ USA ]
Secured All India Second Rank in Material Sciences Research Exam Conducted by Indian Institute of Science(IISc Bangalore) in
1995 at National Level.
My partial list of international clients : [ From 1992 onwards ] -> Details will be provided later if selected.
*Finisar Corporation USA/Malaysia/P.R.China - Photonics & Embedded Systems Group.
*Intel Corp – Itanium Processor Group/DIG64 Labs Firmware Testing,Hillsboro,OR,USA.
*Johnson & Johnson Inc Florida,USA.
*Invino Corp (Startup eventually acquired by, Cambridge, MA,USA.
*Aufin Bv Netherlands.(Europe).
*CrownSimplimatic Automation Inc., Lynchburg, Virginia, USA.
*Ericsson Mobile division, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA.
*McLeod Telecom Inc, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA.
*Optonest S.Korea.(Republic of Korea)KOPTI/MIC/Optonest Consortium.
*RINL, Vizag, AP, India./Moscow Instruments,Moscow,Russia(Former USSR)
*National GeoPhysical Research Institute,[NGRI] under CSIR,Govt.of India.
[An EU-India collaboration on Geophysical instrumentation & Seismic data processing]
*Ad hoc Consultant/External – ISRO – Indian Space Research Organization,India.
*Visited,Consulted & Performed Research at INSDOC - CSIR LAB – Govt. of India - INSDOC (Indian National Scientific
Documentation Centre) is a premier organization of India that works as knowledge and repository hub by dealing with library,
documentation and information science, technology, services and systems established in 1951.
[ Thank you for your time – Dr.Nirmal ]
First Name: Nirmal Tej Kumar
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: 09160921416
Job Position Applying For: IT Engineer - Machine Learning/BIGDATA/IoT/System Admin
Current Job Title: Senior Staff Engineer - Informatics R&D
Total Years of Experience: 15
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: Resume :
Dr.Nirmal Tej Kumar -> Informatics R&D -> Embedded Systems/Bio-informatics/Machine Learning/
Image Processing/Applied Mathematics/Software Development/QA&Test Automation/BIGDATA.
B.Engg(EEE)India,M.Sc Laser Physics(UK),Ph.D Nanotechnology(P.R.China)
VIT SP,Brazil/FIT Labs Grenoble,France (most recent IoT R&D Collaboration)
Researcher – Informatics ICST,UNESP,Sorocaba,SP,Brazil./Laptec - Advanced Plasma Physics Labs/
GEA-Environmental Engineering Group,UNESP,Sorocaba,SP,Brazil.
Researcher – Informatics Inova Tech Park,Sorocaba,SP,Brazil.
Current Member - ante Institute,UTD,Dallas,TX,USA.
Staff Engineer Photonics – Finisar Corporation,Sunnyvale,CA,USA.(recent firm I worked for)
Test Engineer Photonics – Finisar Corporation,Ipoh,Malaysia.(recent firm I worked for)
Contact info : ; ; skype id : nirmaltejkumar
Objective/s :
Seeking a challenging position either in the IT Industry or Academia.Over 14+ years of Linux/Unix/ Windows system level
operating system administration and configuration management experience in addition to programming in C/C++/Java/Scala/
Python/Ruby/Rust/D Language/OCaml/Haskell/Golang/Erlang FPL - Functional Programming Languages based software
development,embedded Systems and firmware development internationally.Excellent oral and written communications skills.
Good system design and documentation skills.I worked in both industry and academia.Open and flexible on assignments
and tasks. Love to travel internationally.
Worked in the following industrial domains implementing IT solutions :
Semiconductors/Space/Nanotechnology/Bio-Technology/Telecoms/Textiles/Healthcare/Medicine/Bio-Informatics/AI & ML based Image
Processing/Multimedia/Library & Information Sciences-Focusing on Science & Technology related Documentation.
Proven Skills in both the Industry & the Academia :
Embedded Systems/Firmware/Imaging & Multimedia/Electronics/Photonics/Optical Computing/Nanotechnology/Semiconductors/
Instrumentation/Systems Administration/Bio-informatics/HPC - High Performance Computing/AI/ML/NLP/Bio-NLP/RPA Applications.
Some of my Technical Works on github : -> Lot of information from our past projects.
C • C++ • C# • ARM Assembly • TI DSP Assembly • 68K Assembly • HTML Perl • PHP • Python • bash • MySQL •
Green Hills Software • Code Composer GCC • IAR Embedded Workbench • C++ Builder • Visual Studio • Rhapsody
UML Subversion • Linux • USB • HPUX • TCP/IP • AIX • RS232 • RTOS • RS422/485 ARM926 • GPIB • ARM968 • SPI
• ARM11 • I2C • STMP3600 • Ethernet AL5300/AL5350 • HDLC Git • HX3100 DSP • NFC • CVS • ARM Cortex A8
Source Safe • ARM Cortex M4 • Clear Case • Beagleboard/bone. TKernel based Embedded Systems Design.
[ Image Processing + Multimedia R&D ]
Developed methods and theory for practical applications in : Biomedical Imaging, Industrial Vision, Material Sciences and Remote
Sensing Applications.Main fields of interest include but not limited to : Pattern recognition, Analysis of color images, Clinical applications
of imaging systems, Image segmentation, Biological and computational vision systems, Computer graphics, Robot vision research,
Virtual reality and stereoscopic vision.Cryo-EM Imaging Algorithms.Spin Glass Theory and Imaging Applications. NLP and Image
Processing Applications. Robotic Process Automation(RPA) for Healthcare/Medical Imaging/Computational Linguistics and Natural
Language Processing(CLNLP) in the Context of Robotics/Health Care.(Computational linguistics bridges Artificial Intelligence
with Health Care/Computational Linguistics for referent tracking in Electronic Healthcare Records(EHR) )
Extensively used Tensor Flow & Keras in my Industrial Projects + Academic Projects involving Smart Devices/IoT/HPC Environments.Multimedia + Machine Learning R&D Experience :
Medical images and multimedia data management and processing in the context of Wearables/IoT/HPC/Quantum Computing
Heterogeneous Environment/s.
Software used in my Multimedia R&D Projects both in Industry & Academia :
Haxe - Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language, a cross-compiler, a
complete cross-platform standard library and ways to access each platform's native capabilities.UX/UI guidelines for VR/AR/XR
apps and Spatial Computing. []
ImageAI - State-of-the-art Recognition and Detection AI with few lines of code. -> AI with Python for advanced Image Processing.
.NET Technologies in Advanced Medical Imaging & Applications - IoT/HPC/AI/WindowsOS/LinuxOS based
Heterogeneous Environments.[IKVM.NET/JNBridgePro]
UX Design Skills in the context of Medical Image Processing & Healthcare Informatics Using AI/Machine Learning.
Natural Language Processing(NLP) Tools in Java & Python -Multimedia R&D.
(Direct Hands-on Experience in using the NLP/BioNLP Tools in both the Industry & Academia).
CoreNLP is the production-ready solution built and maintained by Stanford group.
[ ]/CoreNLP, the Java library well-known for its speed - Used in my Projects.
CoreNLP is widely used in production environments nowadays, as it is polished, fast, and provides precise results.
NLTK, the most widely-mentioned NLP library for Python/Gensim, a library for document similarity analysis/
SpaCy, an industrial-strength NLP library built for performance .
An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
Biomedical Natural Language Processing - BioNLP Tools -
Life Science and Healthcare NLP based AI with Real life NLP text mining -Extracting insights from real world data e.g. NLP in
oncology including tumor characteristics and bio-markers etc.Erlang based AI + Bio-informatics & Gene Chip Design.
Google App Engine - Cloud Computing SDK, API and Platform + Applications in Python & Java.Groovy and Gaelyk – a lightweight
toolkit for Google Application Engine(GAE) written in Groovy for JVM Environments.
SAS - Using AI/ML/NLP – Telecommunications/Life Sciences Industrial R&D Domains.
Dr.Racket based LoP w.r.t Hardware Testing/Verification by using Android + Video DSLs + Redex/AAM + Deep Learning + Macros.
Rust : Developing Advanced Technology in Space + Medicine + Telecoms + IoT + HPC Systems R&D + Machine Learning.
Golang : Developing Advanced Medical Imaging & Machine Learning Software.
KOKA -> NLP + Radiology Informatics - KOKA is from Microsoft Research -> Could be useful in the "Near Future".
Hardware & Software Skills - Industry related experience :
Experienced Software/Hardware/Firmware Engineer with broadbased experience, including extensive experience in embedded
micro controller based system software architecture/design, team/technical leadership, multitasking embedded real-time systems,
device drivers, communication protocols.
Fortran,C,C++,Dynamic C,Java,Python,Vissim ,Lab View/ libSVM,BISVM,BSVM(Support Vector Machines). Bio-informatics/Compiler
Construction using GENTLE Compiler System from Fraunhofer institute,Germany.T Kernel based Embedded Systems Programming
for hi-end instrumentation systems.T Kernel is available from University of Tokyo,Japan.
Selection of hardware & software for project. Programming & Troubleshooting of PLCs, HMIs & SCADA applications (majorly GE Fanuc
Series,Rockwell and Mitsubishi).Working with various industrial protocols like Modbus, Profibus, Controlnet, Devicenet, Ethernet etc.
Technical understanding of GSM systems,Prepaid Mobile Telecoms Environment/ CAMEL/SS7/ISUP/NAP/MAP/SIP Linux – Strong
technical understanding/SQL – Experience supporting, setting up and a basic understanding of writing basic queries.Eclipse Luna SDK – Kotlin/Scala/C/C++ ; Netbeans C/C++/Java/Scala;Qt IDE C/C++;Intel IoT XDK;Jikes RVM; IntelliJ IDEA
Platform etc;Android development.KAndroid and application development.Flexible and open to work with other technologies
as well.(e.g. C Sharp or C#;Prolog;Dr.Racket/Rust/Erlang) Atom/Haskell EDSL/GHC Glasgow Haskell Compiler for Embedded
Systems. Haxe for Multimedia applications and Mobile App Development. ADA based Embedded Systems development for
mission critical systems in hi-tech domains of industry. e.g. Medical Devices.
Mathematical Skills Used in Industry & Academia in my R&D Works :
Group Theory and Applications/Computer Algebraic Systems/Analysis of PDEs/ODEs/Combinatorics/Commutative Algebra/CCS
formalisms/Complex Variables/Clifford Algebra/ Lie Algebra/Dynamical Systems/Functional Analysis,Fourier analysis and Number
theory. Complex Analysis and Conformal Mapping. Information Theory.
Unconventional Computing/Cellular Automata/Quantum Cellular Automata Logic/Mathematical Physics/Number Theory/Numerical
Analysis/ Operator Algebras/Optimization and Control/ Probability/ Quantum Algebra/Quantum Computational Theories.
Spectral Theory/Statistics Theory/Data Mining algorithms for next generation sequencing/Graph Kernels for Data
Analysis/Support Vector Machines for high end or big-data analysis or classifications/Groebner Bases and applications/
Spin Glass Theories/Algebraic Geometry/Algorithmic Algebraic Geometry/Algebraic Topology.
Bio-informatics/Computational Genomics Experience : R&D of Mathematical methods used for studying genes
and their function in different model species/the technologies employed in modern genomics research/methods and
protocols of bio-informatics analysis in genomics studies/algorithmic,mathematical and statistical approaches
underlying bio-informatics and genomics analysis tools/data base technologies for the storage and organization
of the data/modeling and analysis techniques employed in systems biology for the study of interactions in complex
biological systems.e.g. DNA based Nanotechnology/Gene Chip Design/Gene Therapy/Drug Delivery Systems/
Theoretical Immunology/Protein Folding Mechanisms/Meta-genomics for Pathogen detection & Public health etc...
Cryo-EM Informatics R&D : Experience with data analysis, experimental process, design, and development of prototypes,
equipment, and/or systems related to area of specialization.Experience with software applications, systems, or programs relevant
for the job. AI/ML/DL based cryo-EM Informatics R&D involving Smart Devices + IoT + HPC Systems.
Countries Visited/Worked/in Collaboration with :
BRICS Group : Brazil/Russia/India/P.R.China & South Africa.
Specialist Skills :
Applied Mathematics/Algorithm design.Software development.NLP/NLP & Prolog interactions.
Artificial Intelligence and applications.Large scale data analysis and applications.Compiler Design techniques based on LLVM and
GENTLE Compiler Construction Systems.
Algebraic Geometry/Numerical Differential Geometry for computation.Graph theory and ML Applications.
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry/Group theory and Machine Learning Applications.
Algorithms for High Performance Computing./Assembly language programming/C/C++.
Mathematical Modeling/Microsoft Office/LaTeX.
Informatics IoT at Synchrotron Machines./Embedded Systems and Computing for Scientific Instrumentation.
Anticipatory Computing and IoT.(INTEL IoT) Machine Learning based applications.
ADA based Mission Critical Embedded Systems Development.Erlang based Advanced Software Design + Development.
CryoEM Imaging and Algorithm development.
Quantum Physics & Photonics.
Theoretical and Computational Electromagnetics : Wave Scattering, Absorbing Boundary Conditions, Calderon's
Potentials,Helmholtz Equation,Image Processing,Compact Finite Difference Schemes, Kernel Drivers, Networking,
WiFi,Embedded Systems.High order methods for numerical solution of PDEs/Numerical methods for infinite domain
problems.Wave propagation and scattering.Microwave absorbing textiles based on nanotechnology.Wave-guides
and applications. e.g Plasma Wave-guides,wave-guide coupled graphene optoelectronics etc..
* Patents & Publications are available + References from my former managers are available.Formal Methods and Tools for Industrial Critical Systems :
Requirements Specification./Validation of the specification./Design & Verification of the final product against the requirements./Group
Theory and Applications./Computer Algebraic Systems in different domains.[interested in the AI & ML domains of Remote Sensing/
Medical Imaging/Embedded Systems/Biochemical networks/NLP based Multimedia Systems/Bio-sensors/Sensory Data Fusion/GIS
Seismic Data Processing]
QA & Automation Testing : Automation testing tools(Selenium,Ranorex)/Ready-made automation frameworks (Serenity BDD,
Cypress)/Various mobile automation testing tools/API testing tools (jMeter,REST Assured)/Continuous integration tools
(Teamcity,Bamboo,Jenkins)/Postman/Zephyr - Test Management Tool.
Academic Qualifications :
Graduated in July1992 with a B.Engg(Electrical & Electronics) from Andhra University,Vizag,AP,India.
Graduated in January2004 with an MSc-Laser Physics,University of Hull,Hull,UK.
[Post graduation Study break from Sept 2002-September 2003]
Graduated in November 2012 with a Ph.D in Nanotechnology by obtaining distinction from Jiangnan
University,Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, P.R.China.
Advanced Instrumentation/Embedded Systems training received at FH-Furtwangen,Germany [2001]
[University of Applied Sciences Furtwangen under industrial sponsorship/executive training program one-week program]
Software development/Embedded Systems training received at CMC Ltd.India [1995]
[CMC-Computer Maintenance Corporation of India Ltd]
Academic High Performance Computing R&D Collaboration with University of Fukui Fukui Japan & State Engineering University of Armenia
(SEUA) Yerevan in Armenia.
Some information on Protein Folding Mechanisms : [a] ; [b]
[ USA ]
[ USA ]
Secured All India Second Rank in Material Sciences Research Exam Conducted by Indian Institute of Science(IISc Bangalore) in
1995 at National Level.
My partial list of international clients : [ From 1992 onwards ] -> Details will be provided later if selected.
*Finisar Corporation USA/Malaysia/P.R.China - Photonics & Embedded Systems Group.
*Intel Corp – Itanium Processor Group/DIG64 Labs Firmware Testing,Hillsboro,OR,USA.
*Johnson & Johnson Inc Florida,USA.
*Invino Corp (Startup eventually acquired by, Cambridge, MA,USA.
*Aufin Bv Netherlands.(Europe).
*CrownSimplimatic Automation Inc., Lynchburg, Virginia, USA.
*Ericsson Mobile division, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA.
*McLeod Telecom Inc, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA.
*Optonest S.Korea.(Republic of Korea)KOPTI/MIC/Optonest Consortium.
*RINL, Vizag, AP, India./Moscow Instruments,Moscow,Russia(Former USSR)
*National GeoPhysical Research Institute,[NGRI] under CSIR,Govt.of India.
[An EU-India collaboration on Geophysical instrumentation & Seismic data processing]
*Ad hoc Consultant/External – ISRO – Indian Space Research Organization,India.
*Visited,Consulted & Performed Research at INSDOC - CSIR LAB – Govt. of India - INSDOC (Indian National Scientific
Documentation Centre) is a premier organization of India that works as knowledge and repository hub by dealing with library,
documentation and information science, technology, services and systems established in 1951.
[ Thank you for your time – Dr.Nirmal ]
Information Technology
First Name: Paul
E-Mail Address:
Country: Kenya
Phone: +254716009377
Job Position Applying For: Information Technology
Current Job Title: Private Driver
Total Years of Experience: 5yrs
E-Mail Address:
Country: Kenya
Phone: +254716009377
Job Position Applying For: Information Technology
Current Job Title: Private Driver
Total Years of Experience: 5yrs
IT Security, IT Administrator
First Name: Mohammed
E-Mail Address:
Country: Morocco
Phone: +212626997031
Job Position Applying For: IT Security, IT Administrator
Current Job Title: IT Administrator
Total Years of Experience: 2 years 4months
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: ECHARHBILI Mohammed
IT Administrator with a strong educational and professional experience in
managing and securing networks and systems.
Hay Ennasr, Building 42, App N° 1
Mohammedia - Morocco
(+212) 626997031
SPRAYKEM, IT Administrator
Casablanca, Morocco.
My core responsibilities include administration of the organization's
network infrastructure and ensuring network security. providing user
support, troubleshooting hardware and software issues, and assist with
software installations and configurations, system administration tasks
such as server management, and data backup and recovery. My role also
involves implementing and monitoring security measures to protect
against cyber threats.
National School of Applied Sciences, Master's Degree :
Security and Administration of Networks and Systems.
July 2023
Master of Science specialized in Security and Administration of Networks
and Systems.
Ibn Tofail University – Superior School Of Technology -
Bachelor Degree : Computer Engineering.
July 2021
Bachelor degree specialzed in computer engineering.
Sidi Daoud High School - High School Degree
High school degree specialized in earth and life sciences.
● System Administration
● Network Administration
● User Support
● Data Backup and Recovery
● IT Security Management
● Software and License Management
● troubleshoot hardware and software
● identity and access management
● Certified Network Security
Specialist ICSI UK
● Technical Support Fundamentals
by Google
● Industrial control systems basics
● 101 Critical Infrastructure
Protection by US DHS
● Wordpress Website Security by US
● Arabic (native)
● English (Professional proficiency)
● French (Professional proficiency)
● Greek (learning phase)
● Web development (PHP, Symfony,
● Online training and learning new
● Sports: football, swimming…etc.
E-Mail Address:
Country: Morocco
Phone: +212626997031
Job Position Applying For: IT Security, IT Administrator
Current Job Title: IT Administrator
Total Years of Experience: 2 years 4months
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: ECHARHBILI Mohammed
IT Administrator with a strong educational and professional experience in
managing and securing networks and systems.
Hay Ennasr, Building 42, App N° 1
Mohammedia - Morocco
(+212) 626997031
SPRAYKEM, IT Administrator
Casablanca, Morocco.
My core responsibilities include administration of the organization's
network infrastructure and ensuring network security. providing user
support, troubleshooting hardware and software issues, and assist with
software installations and configurations, system administration tasks
such as server management, and data backup and recovery. My role also
involves implementing and monitoring security measures to protect
against cyber threats.
National School of Applied Sciences, Master's Degree :
Security and Administration of Networks and Systems.
July 2023
Master of Science specialized in Security and Administration of Networks
and Systems.
Ibn Tofail University – Superior School Of Technology -
Bachelor Degree : Computer Engineering.
July 2021
Bachelor degree specialzed in computer engineering.
Sidi Daoud High School - High School Degree
High school degree specialized in earth and life sciences.
● System Administration
● Network Administration
● User Support
● Data Backup and Recovery
● IT Security Management
● Software and License Management
● troubleshoot hardware and software
● identity and access management
● Certified Network Security
Specialist ICSI UK
● Technical Support Fundamentals
by Google
● Industrial control systems basics
● 101 Critical Infrastructure
Protection by US DHS
● Wordpress Website Security by US
● Arabic (native)
● English (Professional proficiency)
● French (Professional proficiency)
● Greek (learning phase)
● Web development (PHP, Symfony,
● Online training and learning new
● Sports: football, swimming…etc.
IT Manager
First Name: Syam Pillai
E-Mail Address:
Country: Kuwait
Phone: 00965-55160580
Job Position Applying For: IT Manager
Current Job Title: IT Manager
Total Years of Experience: 22
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: CURRICULAM VITAE
OBJECTIVE : IT specialist with 21+ years of experience andBS Degree in Computer Science & Information Technology and certifications in Microsoft & Cisco. My objective is to share my experience and knowledge to enhance, fortify and introduce systems as your IT Manager.
2.MCSE - Microsoft Certified System Engineer
3.MCSA - Microsoft Certified System Administrator
4.MCTS - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
5.MDOP - Microsoft Desktop Optimizing Charter
6.CCNA – Cisco Certified Network Associate
IT SKILLS: Odoo ERP Systems MS Dynamics AX 2012MS Dynamics RMS/GP SQL Server SSRS Reports VB .Net Technologies POS / Warehousing Visual Basic 6.0 VMware / Veeam Backup VCentre Administration Win Server 2003/2008/2012 Win XP/7/8/10 Crystal Reports MS Office / MS Outlook Office 365 IBM Lotus Notes Firewall / FortiGate Active Directory DNS / DHCP LAN / WAN/ TCP/IP Word press Web Design Html / SEO / PHP / MySQL Switches / Routers / WAP SAN / NAS Storages Reporting
Structured Cabling
Access Control
Audio / Visual / DVR / NVR
Fire Alarm System
Public Address System
Parking Management System
Water Leakage System
Lighting Control System
Problem solving
Time Management
Critical Thinking
CONTACT INFORMATION Current Address: Sharq, KuwaitPermanent Address: Aradhana House, Kuttemperoor.P.O Mannar, Alappuzha District Kerala, India – 689623 Email : Mob : 00965-55160580
Date of Birth : 16th May 1980
Father’s Name : P.Radhakrishna Pillai
Sex : Male
Nationality: Indian
Marital Status : Married
PASSPORT INFORMATION Passport Number: T8764129 Place of Issue: Kuwait Date of Issue: 06-12-2020 Date of Expiry: 05-12-2030
OTHER INFORMATION Experience : 21+ Years Visa : Transferable (18)
Driving License + Car
Microsoft Transcript ID: 810867
Access Code: slraradhana
ORGANISATION : WAHRAN TRADING CO POSITION : IT MANAGER PERIOD : FEB 2019 – PRESENT ROLE : Lead large IT projects, including the design and deployment of new IT systems and services Monitor performance of information technology systems to determine cost and productivity levels, and to make recommendations for improving the IT infrastructure Help define IT infrastructure strategy, architecture, and processes Analyze business requirements by partnering with key stakeholders across the organization to develop solutions for IT needs Assess vendors and develop test strategies for new hardware and software Running regular checks on network and data security Identifying and acting on opportunities to improve and update software and systems Developing and implementing IT policy and best practice guides for the organization Designing training programs and workshops for staff Conducting regular system audits Running and sharing regular operation system reports Overseeing and determining timeframes for major IT projects including system updates, upgrades, migrations and outages Managing and reporting on allocation of IT budget Providing direction for IT team members Identifying opportunities for team training and skills advancement Maintains information technology strategies. Researches and implements technological strategic solutions. Accomplishes information technology staff results. Plans, monitors, and appraises job results. Coaches, counsels, and disciplines employees. Initiates, coordinates, and enforces systems, policies, and procedures. Maintains organization’s effectiveness and efficiency by defining and delivering strategic plans for implementing information technologies. Verifies application results by conducting system audits of technologies implemented. Preserves assets by implementing disaster recovery and back-up procedures and information security and control structures. Troubleshoot hardware and software issues related to internal IT Managing & Administering following IT Systems: Windows Server 2012 Environment Odoo ERP Systems, MS Dynamics AX 2012, SQL Server & SSRS ReportsFortiGate Firewall, VPN, WAN, LAN & Networking VMware, vCenter, vSphere ESXi & Veeam Backup Remote Management System RDM Office 365 & Lotus Notes SAN & NAS Storages CCTV, Biometric & AV Systems. E-Commerce, FTP & Website
ORGANISATION : PLATINUM GROUP POSITION : IT CONSULTANT PERIOD : SEP 2017 – JAN 2019 ROLE : Interpreting IT & Integrated systems drawings and coordinate accordingly. Provide strategic advice on using technology to achieve goals. Manage IT initiatives and collaborate with in-house technical staff. Design IT systems and networks ensuring the right architecture and functionality. Support new technology implementation. Provide assistance with all IT related technical issues. Revise existing systems and suggest improvements. Defining software, hardware and network requirements. Developing agreed solutions and implementing new systems. Suggesting systems where appropriate. Ensure Complying with all statutory requirements connected with the project. Make sure all deliverables will meet the standard of the project. Ensure proper closeout of the project.
PERIOD : SEP 2014 – AUG 2017
ROLE : Supervising IT Project/IT Integrated/Infrastructure Development, which includes the systems such as Structured Cabling, Data Communications, Voice Communications, Audio-Video Communication, Distributed Communication, Security, Access Control, CCTV, Intrusion Detection, Car Parking, Service Bell, Fire Alarm, Public Address, Water Leakage, BMS / BAS
Overseeing the accuracy of the consultant and main contractor works.
Ensure works in progress are according to the standards and specifications.
Report inaccuracies to the head management, consultant and contractor.
Managing scope changes and the impacts of these changes on other factors.
PERIOD : NOV 2007 – AUG 2014
ROLE : Managing & Administering following IT Systems:
Windows Server 2003 Environment
MS Dynamics RMS & GP
SQL Server
Network & Firewall
POS & Warehousing
Visual Basic Programming
MS Access
Desktop Support with Win XP/Vista/7/8/10 / Mac.
Providing support to Printers, Scanners, Copiers
Backup & Restore
MS Office / Outlook
Antispam / Antivirus
Outlook email accounts, anti spam and virus protection.
PERIOD : SEP 2004 – JUL 2007
ROLE : Involved in Building Management System Networking & Programming.
Preparing the I/O Points list according to the requirements of the Project Specification.
Involved in the installation and commissioning of BMS Equipments.
Programmed the CO Panels with the prescribed parameters LON Protocol.
PERIOD : MAY 2001 – AUG 2004
ROLE : Administering Windows Server 2000.
Troubleshooting network problems with novel Netware.
Programming with Visual Basic and MS SQL/Oracle.
Providing support to Printers, Servers, Desktops support.
Administering FoxPro/Dbase databases.
Performing Backup and recovery plans.
Repairing equipment and replacing parts.
Maintaining records of software licenses.
Perform periodical backups of data and transactions.
Create/modify/archive database and data for reporting.
Database design planning and implementation.
Desktop Support with Win 95/98/XP.
Assisting Accountant to Journalizing Sales, purchase, cash and banking entries.
Performing Stock operation and inventory analysis.
π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π

Apply For This Job Using a Branded ATS-compliant CV from Dubai-Forever.Com.
What is an ATS CV?
Applicant Tracking System or "ATS", is the software that 'READS' your CV and stores this information in a database. Like this:

If the CV is not made as per the RULES of the ATS, the information will get messed up in the database. Like this:

And, you may never be found by the recruiter, in spite of your 'CV information' existing in the database...
...And, you'll keep wondering why you get rejected in spite of being a PERFECT MATCH for the Job.
Read more about the ATS CV:
π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π
What's the most IMPORTANT thing you should read about a CV Writing Service?
Customer Reviews, right?
You'll get a fair idea whether to purchase that service or not.
Read the recommendations that some of our clients have written on my LinkedIn profile.
Click the LinkedIn banner below and then scroll down to the Recommendations section.
Navigate here for more testimonials about our expertise and results:
Also, read reviews about "www.Dubai-Forever.Com" on, the world's must trusted review site...
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Want CV Samples & Templates for FREE?
Click on the CV's below to begin:

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Join our Telegram Group:

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Submit your CV here, as well:

π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π
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We publish job vacancies on this website and our Whatsapp groups for the benefit of job-seekers.
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π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π
E-Mail Address:
Country: Kuwait
Phone: 00965-55160580
Job Position Applying For: IT Manager
Current Job Title: IT Manager
Total Years of Experience: 22
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: CURRICULAM VITAE
OBJECTIVE : IT specialist with 21+ years of experience andBS Degree in Computer Science & Information Technology and certifications in Microsoft & Cisco. My objective is to share my experience and knowledge to enhance, fortify and introduce systems as your IT Manager.
2.MCSE - Microsoft Certified System Engineer
3.MCSA - Microsoft Certified System Administrator
4.MCTS - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
5.MDOP - Microsoft Desktop Optimizing Charter
6.CCNA – Cisco Certified Network Associate
IT SKILLS: Odoo ERP Systems MS Dynamics AX 2012MS Dynamics RMS/GP SQL Server SSRS Reports VB .Net Technologies POS / Warehousing Visual Basic 6.0 VMware / Veeam Backup VCentre Administration Win Server 2003/2008/2012 Win XP/7/8/10 Crystal Reports MS Office / MS Outlook Office 365 IBM Lotus Notes Firewall / FortiGate Active Directory DNS / DHCP LAN / WAN/ TCP/IP Word press Web Design Html / SEO / PHP / MySQL Switches / Routers / WAP SAN / NAS Storages Reporting
Structured Cabling
Access Control
Audio / Visual / DVR / NVR
Fire Alarm System
Public Address System
Parking Management System
Water Leakage System
Lighting Control System
Problem solving
Time Management
Critical Thinking
CONTACT INFORMATION Current Address: Sharq, KuwaitPermanent Address: Aradhana House, Kuttemperoor.P.O Mannar, Alappuzha District Kerala, India – 689623 Email : Mob : 00965-55160580
Date of Birth : 16th May 1980
Father’s Name : P.Radhakrishna Pillai
Sex : Male
Nationality: Indian
Marital Status : Married
PASSPORT INFORMATION Passport Number: T8764129 Place of Issue: Kuwait Date of Issue: 06-12-2020 Date of Expiry: 05-12-2030
OTHER INFORMATION Experience : 21+ Years Visa : Transferable (18)
Driving License + Car
Microsoft Transcript ID: 810867
Access Code: slraradhana
ORGANISATION : WAHRAN TRADING CO POSITION : IT MANAGER PERIOD : FEB 2019 – PRESENT ROLE : Lead large IT projects, including the design and deployment of new IT systems and services Monitor performance of information technology systems to determine cost and productivity levels, and to make recommendations for improving the IT infrastructure Help define IT infrastructure strategy, architecture, and processes Analyze business requirements by partnering with key stakeholders across the organization to develop solutions for IT needs Assess vendors and develop test strategies for new hardware and software Running regular checks on network and data security Identifying and acting on opportunities to improve and update software and systems Developing and implementing IT policy and best practice guides for the organization Designing training programs and workshops for staff Conducting regular system audits Running and sharing regular operation system reports Overseeing and determining timeframes for major IT projects including system updates, upgrades, migrations and outages Managing and reporting on allocation of IT budget Providing direction for IT team members Identifying opportunities for team training and skills advancement Maintains information technology strategies. Researches and implements technological strategic solutions. Accomplishes information technology staff results. Plans, monitors, and appraises job results. Coaches, counsels, and disciplines employees. Initiates, coordinates, and enforces systems, policies, and procedures. Maintains organization’s effectiveness and efficiency by defining and delivering strategic plans for implementing information technologies. Verifies application results by conducting system audits of technologies implemented. Preserves assets by implementing disaster recovery and back-up procedures and information security and control structures. Troubleshoot hardware and software issues related to internal IT Managing & Administering following IT Systems: Windows Server 2012 Environment Odoo ERP Systems, MS Dynamics AX 2012, SQL Server & SSRS ReportsFortiGate Firewall, VPN, WAN, LAN & Networking VMware, vCenter, vSphere ESXi & Veeam Backup Remote Management System RDM Office 365 & Lotus Notes SAN & NAS Storages CCTV, Biometric & AV Systems. E-Commerce, FTP & Website
ORGANISATION : PLATINUM GROUP POSITION : IT CONSULTANT PERIOD : SEP 2017 – JAN 2019 ROLE : Interpreting IT & Integrated systems drawings and coordinate accordingly. Provide strategic advice on using technology to achieve goals. Manage IT initiatives and collaborate with in-house technical staff. Design IT systems and networks ensuring the right architecture and functionality. Support new technology implementation. Provide assistance with all IT related technical issues. Revise existing systems and suggest improvements. Defining software, hardware and network requirements. Developing agreed solutions and implementing new systems. Suggesting systems where appropriate. Ensure Complying with all statutory requirements connected with the project. Make sure all deliverables will meet the standard of the project. Ensure proper closeout of the project.
PERIOD : SEP 2014 – AUG 2017
ROLE : Supervising IT Project/IT Integrated/Infrastructure Development, which includes the systems such as Structured Cabling, Data Communications, Voice Communications, Audio-Video Communication, Distributed Communication, Security, Access Control, CCTV, Intrusion Detection, Car Parking, Service Bell, Fire Alarm, Public Address, Water Leakage, BMS / BAS
Overseeing the accuracy of the consultant and main contractor works.
Ensure works in progress are according to the standards and specifications.
Report inaccuracies to the head management, consultant and contractor.
Managing scope changes and the impacts of these changes on other factors.
PERIOD : NOV 2007 – AUG 2014
ROLE : Managing & Administering following IT Systems:
Windows Server 2003 Environment
MS Dynamics RMS & GP
SQL Server
Network & Firewall
POS & Warehousing
Visual Basic Programming
MS Access
Desktop Support with Win XP/Vista/7/8/10 / Mac.
Providing support to Printers, Scanners, Copiers
Backup & Restore
MS Office / Outlook
Antispam / Antivirus
Outlook email accounts, anti spam and virus protection.
PERIOD : SEP 2004 – JUL 2007
ROLE : Involved in Building Management System Networking & Programming.
Preparing the I/O Points list according to the requirements of the Project Specification.
Involved in the installation and commissioning of BMS Equipments.
Programmed the CO Panels with the prescribed parameters LON Protocol.
PERIOD : MAY 2001 – AUG 2004
ROLE : Administering Windows Server 2000.
Troubleshooting network problems with novel Netware.
Programming with Visual Basic and MS SQL/Oracle.
Providing support to Printers, Servers, Desktops support.
Administering FoxPro/Dbase databases.
Performing Backup and recovery plans.
Repairing equipment and replacing parts.
Maintaining records of software licenses.
Perform periodical backups of data and transactions.
Create/modify/archive database and data for reporting.
Database design planning and implementation.
Desktop Support with Win 95/98/XP.
Assisting Accountant to Journalizing Sales, purchase, cash and banking entries.
Performing Stock operation and inventory analysis.
π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π

Apply For This Job Using a Branded ATS-compliant CV from Dubai-Forever.Com.
What is an ATS CV?
Applicant Tracking System or "ATS", is the software that 'READS' your CV and stores this information in a database. Like this:

If the CV is not made as per the RULES of the ATS, the information will get messed up in the database. Like this:

And, you may never be found by the recruiter, in spite of your 'CV information' existing in the database...
...And, you'll keep wondering why you get rejected in spite of being a PERFECT MATCH for the Job.
Read more about the ATS CV:
π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π
What's the most IMPORTANT thing you should read about a CV Writing Service?
Customer Reviews, right?
You'll get a fair idea whether to purchase that service or not.
Read the recommendations that some of our clients have written on my LinkedIn profile.
Click the LinkedIn banner below and then scroll down to the Recommendations section.
Navigate here for more testimonials about our expertise and results:
Also, read reviews about "www.Dubai-Forever.Com" on, the world's must trusted review site...
π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π
Want CV Samples & Templates for FREE?
Click on the CV's below to begin:






π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π
Join the Middle East's Best Job Groups on Whatsapp:

π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π π°πΌ π¦πͺ πΈπ¦ πΆπ¦ π΄π² π§π
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