
First Name: Esayas Ersumo
E-Mail Address:
Country: Ethiopia
Phone: +251911280777
Current Job Designation: Agricultural
Job Designation Applying For: General Farm worker
Total Years of Experience: 3
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: PERSONAL DETAILS
Date of Birth : 30.07.1999
Marital Status : Unmarried
Nationality : Ethiopian
Religion : Protestant
Passport : EP6953824
Gender : Male
Driving Licence : Level (1) License No. 17-21203
Place : Addis Ababa A A, Ethiopia 󰎽
A capable General Farm Worker who has a genuine interest in farming and wants to learn more about the
countryside. Esayas can perform all the tasks related to growing and harvesting grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts,
and other crops. he can be relied upon to look after livestock, wildlife, environmental matters and the general
upkeep of a farm. In his current role he is involved in sowing, planting, ploughing and harvesting crops such as
cereals, potatoes and fruit. His main duties include setting and monitoring water lines, air flow and temperature
in barns, pens and chicken coops. In addition to this, he is also in charge of using brands, tags, or tattoos to
mark livestock in order to identify ownership and grade. Through her career he has worked early mornings,
evenings and weekends in full-time, part-time and casual roles. At this stage of his career, he would like to join a
farm where the culture is extremely sociable and supportive towards its employees.
General EthioAgro Farms
General farm worker
Operating farm machinery like tractors, ploughs and combine harvesters.
Managing the farm while the Farm Manager is on holiday or away.
Selecting and then wearing suitable protective clothing at all times.
Repairing and servicing agricultural machinery according to the manufacturers specifications.
Treating animals and crops to prevent disease.
Maintaining a property's irrigation system to ensure the soil and crops are properly irrigated.
Harvesting fruits and vegetables by hand as well as machine.
Driving a tractor to transport animal feed or livestock.
Branding livestock to identify ownership.
Cutting tree branches back to the desired height and shape.
Applying chemical solutions to weeds and plants to ward off insects and other pests.
Herding cattle and taking them to nearby pastures for grazing.
Storing and packing crops and then sending them to processors or distributors.
Loading sacks of agricultural products into trucks.
Putting up and maintaining fences around the farm land.
Ensuring the safety of farm animals at all times.
Looking after the water services and supply to the site and its tenants.
Maintaining hedges and woodland.�


First Name: Balasubramanian S
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: 918667502237
Current Job Designation: Project Engineer
Job Designation Applying For: Planning Engineer
Total Years of Experience: 8
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: Curriculum Vitae (CV)

1. Proposed Position : Planning Engineer (Civil)
2. Name of Staff : Balasubramanian S
3. Years of Experience : 8 years of experience in managing Quality Control and providing Consultancy services in Water, Sewerage, Utility and Smart City Projects.
4. Date of birth : 25/01/1996
5. Nationality : Indian
6. Education : Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering), PSR Engineering College,
Anna University, Sivakasi in 2017 (8.41 CGPA)
7. Training : Quality Management System, Microsoft Office, Primavera P6,
Power BI, Sewerage Design and AutoCAD
8. Address & Contact : 13/4A, Agraharam Street, Sundarapandiam, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu
Contact No: +91 8667502237
9. Languages : Language Speaking Reading Writing
Tamil Good Good Good
English Good Good Good
Hindi Good - -
10. Employment Record :
From (Year): To (Year): Employer: Positions held:
Oct 2024 till date AD-WIN Engineering and Consultancy Project Engineer
(UGSS, Water Supply& STP)
Aug 2019 Sep 2024 SGS India Private Limited Executive Operations - Inspection
(Coimbatore Smart City Project)
Apr 2017 Aug 2019 Larson & Toubro Limited Site Engineer (WWTP)
11. Detailed Tasks Assigned  Responsible for quality document management.
 Preparation of progress reports and systematic execution of projects.
12. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned:
Name of Assignment/job or Project 1:
Project Name: Project Management Consultant for Underground Sewerage System and 24x7 Water Supply Scheme and Sewerage Treatment Plant in Pudukkottai
Client: Pudukkottai City Municipal Corporation
Project Cost: INR 135 Cr
Year: Oct 2024 to Present
Location: Pudukkottai
Employer: AD-WIN Engineering and Consultancy
Position Held: Project Engineer
Main Project Features: Underground Sewerage System
Activities Performed:
• Coordinated between contractors and clients to ensure proper execution of the project.
• Conducted site inspections and monitored work progress to ensure compliance with project specifications and quality standards.
• Prepared design for the Underground Sewerage Scheme (UGSS) as per TWAD format.
• Generated daily, fortnightly and monthly progress reports. Monitored PERT and GANTT charts using Primavera and MS Office.

Name of Assignment/job or Project 2:
Project Name: AMRUT 2.0 – Various Scheme
Project Cost: INR 500 Cr
Year: June 2022 to Sep 2024
Location: Coimbatore
Employer: SGS India Private Limited
Position Held: Executive Operations - Inspection
Main Project Features: Inspection and Operations
Activities Performed:
• Conducted regular site visits to ensure the correct installation and alignment of HDPE, PVC, DWC, and Concrete Pipes as per approved QAP and specifications.
• Prepared detailed inspection reports, non-conformance reports (NCRs) and corrective action plans.
• Maintained accurate records of inspections, testing results and compliance documentation for quality assurance.
• Managed enquiry review, order confirmation, schedule confirmation, internal file creation, inspection reports, release notes, certification sand invoices.
Name of Assignment/job or Project 3:
Project Name: Project Management Consultant for Lake Restoration and Rejuvenation & Green NMT Corridor Project under the Smart Cities Mission in Coimbatore
Client: Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation
Project Cost: INR 1000 Cr
Year: Aug 2019 to June 2022
Location: Coimbatore
Employer: SGS India Private Limited
Position Held: Inspection Engineer
Main Project Features: Coimbatore Smart City Projects
Activities Performed:
• Specialized in preparation of work schedules using MS Office.
• Executed day-to-day construction activities, progress monitoring and recorded activities.
• Prepared quality documents and checklists.
• Prepared and submitted daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly progress reports.
Name of Assignment/job or Project 4:
Project Name: Satna Bansagar Multi-Village Rural Water Supply Scheme, Satna
Client: Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam Maryadit, Bhopal
Project Cost: INR 1245 Cr
Year: Apr 2017 to Aug 2019
Location: Madhya Pradesh
Employer: Larson & Toubro Limited
Position Held: Site Engineer
Main Project Features: Wastewater Treatment Plant
Activities Performed:
• Systematic execution of the project with proper planning, coordination, and site-level reporting.
• Prepared Bar Bending Schedules (BBS) and quantities for various structures.
• Assisted in preparation of cost estimates, BOQs and tender documents.
13. Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV accurately describes my qualifications and experience. I understand that any willful misstatement herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal if engaged.

Place: Pudukkottai



First Name: Muhammad Akbar
E-Mail Address:
Country: Oman
Phone: 98177135
Current Job Designation: CTO/OWNER
Job Designation Applying For: DIRECTOR
Total Years of Experience: 27+
Copy your Resume / CV in this box:


I am presently working as Chief Technical Officer & Owner of the Company on construc-tion projects for Pipelines, API 650 field erected Storage Reservoirs, Tanks & Silos with com-plete internal and external coating applications. I have rich and varied experience for the execu-tion of challenging construction projects in Water, Oil & Gas, Power Plants, Petrochemicals and Infrastructure within critical timelines and stringent parameters. During my carrier, I have suc-cessfully executed design, procurement, construction, maintenance and repair of steel tanks, Pressure Vessels, Storage Silo's, Blasting and Painting applications. etc. Under my supervision, I have trained a dedicated team of skilled personnel and used specialized equipment's and to carry out liaison with design consultants for tank & Vessel design (Mechanical Design calcula-tions through PV-Elite Software, FEM Analysis), Fabrication, Erection and construction activities in-house whilst maintaining high standards of HSE and Quality.
I am specialized for preparation of Techno-Commercials proposals for EPC & Turnkey Projects, Online bidding (Procurement Tiger), Supply, Fabrication, Special Coatings, Installation & Com-missioning of Static Equipment's VIZ. (All types of Vertical & Horizontal Tanks, Tank Farms, Large diameter Silo's, Pipelines, Piping Works, Flow-lines, Skid Mounted Equipment Packages, all types of Pressure Vessels, 500bbl Frac-Tanks, Mud Tank System, Tankers for fluid transpor-tation), Fuel system Automation and General Steel Fabrication works (Piping Supports, Pipe Racks, Piping Shoes), Transport Semi Flat & Low-bed Trailers and HDPE Pipeline works according to international standard codes.
I am authorized Mechanical Engineer from the Civil Defence, Ministry of Metrology (Weights and Measurements) Oman for inspection, maintenance and issue 3rd party certification of all types of mechanical equipment's, plants, articulated semi-trailer tankers for transportation of fluids (liquids and gases) VIZ Gas Tankers, Petrochemical Tankers, Water, Sewage and Chemi-cals. Also, I have specialization in automobile for the design, manufacturer, test and inspect any type of road transport tankers, King Pins for trailers, 5th Wheel for prime movers, Centre of Gravity Certifications, Brake for portable device inspections, all type of welding and repair works.

I have a strong background of Industrial Engineering & Business Management of Mechanical Industries, Engineering, Fabrication, Sales & Marketing, Tendering & Estimations. I have worked at various positions in Mechanical Engineering field during my career.

I have a thorough knowledge of the Mechanical Engineering subjects and international codes VIZ: Structural FEM/STAAD-PRO Analysis, Pressure Vessels, Theory of Plates & Shells, Stress Analysis, Theory of Elasticity, Automobile Engineering, Operations Research (Linear Program-ming), Industrial Engineering Management, PERT Analysis, JIT, Concept, Numerical Analysis, Power Plant engineering of Thermal, Hydro, Solar & Nuclear Power Plants, Thermal Engineer-ing, Heat Transfer Analysis-(Conduction, Convection & Radiations), Heat Exchangers-(Hot & Cold), Boilers of all types, Fluid Machinery, Turbines & Pumps of all types, Machine Design, Measurement & Instrumentation, Production technology, Industrial Engineering-(Work study, Method study & Time Measurement techniques), Machine Drawings, Engineering (Mathematic, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Ethics & Humanities), Basics of Electrical & Electronics Technol-ogy, Auto cad & Basics of computers, Engineering & Applied Thermodynamics, Engineering Me-chanics, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics of Solids, Material Science, Powder Metallurgy, Theory of Machines, ASME, API, BS, UL, ISO, ASTM, IS, etc.

Knowledge of related National & International Codes as mentioned follows:
· BS EN 12285-1:2005 Workshop Fabricated Steel Tanks Part 1 Horizontal Cylindrical Sin-gle & Double Skin Tanks for the Underground Storage of Flammable & Non-Flammable Water Polluting Liquids
· BS EN 12285-2:2005 Workshop Fabricated Steel Tanks Part 2 Horizontal Cylindrical Sin-gle & Double Skin Tanks for the Aboveground Storage of Flammable & Non-Flammable Water Polluting Liquids
· BS EN 13094:2008 Tanks for the Transport of Dangerous Goods-Metallic Tanks with a Working Pressure not exceeding 0.5 bar –Design & Construction
· BS 799-5: 2010 Oil Burning Equipment Part 5 Carbon Steel Oil Storage Tanks Specifica-tion
· UL 142 Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable & Combustible Liquids (Cylindrical, Rec-tangular & Obround)
· UL 58 Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids
· BS 2654 Vertical Steel Welded Storage Tanks with Butt Welded Shells for the Petroleum Industry
· API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
· API 620 Recommended Rules for Design & Construction of Large Welded, Low Pressure Storage Tanks
· API 2000 Venting Atmospheric & Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
· API 653 Tank Inspection Code
· ANSI B31.1 Power Plant Piping
· ANSI B31.2 LPG Fuel Gas Piping
· ANSI B31.3 Process Piping- (Chemical Plant & Petroleum Refinery Piping)
· ANSI B31.4 Gasoline/Petrol Liquid Transportation Piping System
· ANSI B31.5 Refrigeration Piping
· ANSI B31.8 Storage Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
· NACE MR 01 75 Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance Metallic Materials for Oil-field Equipment
· ASTM G39/ 4 Point Bend Test with NACE TM0177 Solution-Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking-SSCC
· NACE TM 0284 Hydrogen Induced Cracking Testing-HIC
· API 5L Specifications for Seamless & Welded Steel Line Pipe Grades A, B, X42, X46, X52, X56, X60, X65, X70, X80 (PSL1 & PSL2)-LSAW/SSAW/ERW
· ASTM A106-Gr. B Seamless CS Pipes for high Temperature Grades A, B, C
· ASTM A 252 Gr. 1, 2 & 3 Standard Specifications for Welded & Seamless Pipe for Con-crete Piles Cylindrical Shape
· ASTM A 53 (Grades A & B) /A53M. A53 pipe is Suitable for Structural & Pressure Appli-cations
· ASTM A333 Gr.6-LTCS Pipe Sch.20 Through XXS SMLS/ERW/Welded/Fabricated
· ASTM A350 LF2/A516Gr.70-LTCS Forged Flanges, Class 150 #,300#,600#,2500#
· ASTM A350 LF2/A516Gr.70-LTCS Outlets, Class 3000 #,6000#,9000# & Required Sched-ules, Weldolet, Sockolet, Elbowolet, Threadolet, Nippolet
· ASTM A182-SS Forged Flanges Grade: F304, 304L,306,316L etc.
· ASTM/ASME A/SA 182 UNS F 44, F 45, F 51, F 53, F55, F 60, F 61
· ASTM A420 WPL6-LTCS Bend/Fittings Sch.20 Through XXS SMLS/LRB/Elbow/Tee/Reducer/Cap/Nipple, etc.
· ASTM A516 Gr.70-LTCS Boiler Plate
· ASTM A 312 (Seamless and Welded Austenitic Steel Pipe)
· ASTM A 234 Gr. WPB Elbows 90⁰ BW, Eccentric & Concentric Reducer
· ASTM A 105N WN Flange, Threadolet, Sockolet, NPT Plug, Blind Flange
· ASTM A 193 Gr. B7M /B7 Stud Bolt for Sour/Sweet Services Respectively
· ASTM A 194 Gr. 2HM/2H, Nut for Sour/Sweet Services Respectively
· ASME Sec II Part A-Ferrous Material Specifications
· ASME Sec II Part B-Non-Ferrous Material Specifications
· ASME Sec II Part C-Specifications for Welding Rod, Electrodes, and Filler Metals
· ASME Sec II Part D for the Properties of Materials (Customary/Metric)
· ASME Sec V Non Destructive Examinations
· ASME Sec VIII Division 1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
· ASME Sec VIII Division 2 & 3 Alternative Rules for Construction of High-Pressure Vessels
· ASME Sec IX Welding & Brazing Qualifications
· ASME Sec XII Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks
· ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges & Flanged Fittings (NPS 1/2" through NPS 24")
· ASME B16.5 Bolt & Stud Dimensions for Flanges
· ASME B16.1 Industry Standard for Flanges
· ASME B16.47 Large Diameter Flanged Fittings (NPS 26" through NPS 60")
· ASME B16.20 Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges
· ASME B 36.10M Welded & Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe
· ASME 36.19M Welded & Seamless Stainless-Steel Pipe
· ASME B 16.9 Factory Made Wrought Steel Butt Welding Fitting
· ASME 16.11 Forged Fittings, Socket Welding and Threaded
· ASME 16.25 Butt Welding Ends
· ASME 16.34 Valves Flanged, Threaded & Welding End
· API Standard 617 Centrifugal Compressor for Petroleum, Chemical & Gas Industry Ser-vices
· API 675 Positive displacement Pumps (Especially used for Chemical Injection Skids)
· API Standard 610 Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Heavy Duty Chemical & Gas Industry Services
· API RP 520 Sizing Selection & Installation of Pressure Relieving Devices in Refineries
· BS 5950 Structural Use of Steel Work in Buildings
· BS 8110 Structural Use of Concrete
· BS 8004 Code of Practice for Foundations
· BS 6399 Loading for Building
· IS: 1875 1984 Wind Loads
· IS:1893 2002 Earthquake Loads
· ISO 10474 Material Testing Certificates
· ISO | IEC: 17020: 2012 Inspection Services
· ISO | IEC: 17025: 2017 Calibration Laboratories
· ISO 19380: 2019(E), IS 11849: 1986 CG of Vehicles
· ISO 29001: 2020 Petroleum | Petrochemical |Natural Gas Industries
· IS | 6763-2: 1987 Kingpin and 5th Wheel Inspections
· ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System
· ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System
· ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System

A. Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering held in Aug.1998, Division First (Full time) from Re-gional Engineering College Hazratbal Srinagar Kashmir, University of Kashmir, India
B. Diploma in Business Entrepreneurship and Management Course-(An open learning program in Entrepreneurship), Oct.1998 to June.1999, Position First- (By Correspondence)-Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad, India in collaboration with FRIEDRICH - NAUMANN - STIFTUNG – Germany

Oct.1998 June.1999 1st Position OLPE-DIBM EDII Ahmedabad
Sep.1992 Aug.1998 1st Division BE Mechanical RECS UK-J&K
Feb.1989 Nov.1989 2nd Division Secondary Part ii J&K State Board
Feb.1988 Dec.1988 2nd Division Secondary Part i J&K State Board
Dec. 1985 Nov.1987 Grade ii Secondary J&K State Board

Recently executed projects at PTC are as follows:
a. NAMA Water Services 56" diameter 3LPE Pipeline Project with internal FBE painting and externally HSS coating from Desalination Plant to Four Steel Tank Reservoirs (D-75M, H-7.5M) each.
b. NAMA Water Services for the construction of ADC Tank Farm Piping connections.
c. Steel Tank Reservoir Constructions at Samad-Al-Shan (Mudhaibi) various location, RR1, RR2, NAR, NSS-7No's by Jacking methods D-28M, H-12.5M.
d. SS304 Perforated Tees-33No's of various diameters and the biggest one diameter 1485mm, L-6M for all storage tank reservoirs of the project.
e. Oman Flour Mill Soyabean Vegetable Oil Tank package with rotary transfer pumps, con-trol panels in auto/manual mode and piping works till production day tank.
f. Skid mounted 350GPM Fire Pump and water transfer pump.
g. Pumping Station Operations for NAMA Water Services under LNT for Dhakliya Project.
h. Duqm Shrimp feed plant project for all mechanical and metal works which includes product handling system 500TPH at Duqm port from Vessel to Silos, Warehouses, Plant silos and product handling belt Conveyor system, Bucket Elevators, Chain Conveyors, Fish & Soyabean oil storage tanks, LPG Bullets, Fire Pump room, Water Pumping package, Sewage Tank system, Compressor room and other related piping, platform, gratings, cage ladders and handrail works.

I. Fabrication & Welding services for maintenance of Hull and Outfitting Sections for Oman Drydock Duqm Ship Maintenance Company.
II. Welding of LPG Bullets-(Pressure Vessels) -9No's for LNT Heavy Engineering at So-har Port for Petrofac Duqm Refinery Project
III. Fuel Tanks 45KL Horizontal Cylindrical Type & 4.5KL Rectangular Type for RCA Nizwa Project
IV. Fabrication of Pressure Vessels-13 No's for LNT Heavy Engineering at Sohar Port for Saudi ARAMCO & Kuwait Refinery Project
V. For Punj Lloyd Ltd. Fabrication, Preheating and Coating of BVS 20" Pipe Spools for OGC/ORPIC Fahud to Sohar Pipeline Project
VI. For Punj Lloyd Ltd. Fabrication and Coating of Pipe Supports, Handrails, Gratings and Cage Ladders for OGC/ORPIC Fahud to Sohar Pipeline Project, Launcher Area and BVS Stations
VII. For Punj Lloyd Ltd. BVS Pipe Shoe Supports and Puddle Flanges for OGC/ORPIC Fahud to Sohar Pipeline Project
VIII. 70KL Flush and 100KLFuel Tanks of Mazoon Dairy Project. Al-Burami for, main Con-tractor Al Adrak Trading & Cont. LLC
IX. Fuel Tanks 30KL Horizontal Cylindrical Type for MOH Khasab and 5KL for Darsait Pro-ject
X. Fabrication and Coating of 20" Pilling works for ROP Sidab Project Marine Services
XI. Fabrication of 10KL Horizontal Fuel Tanks for Intercontinental Hotel Muscat
XII. Gulf Drilling Skid Mounted Camp Refurbishment works -150 No's RIG # 4, 101, 104 &108
XIII. 20" Fabricated & Machined Flanges for LNT(OMAN) LLC from Bausher to Seeb Wa-terline Project
XIV. OGC 48" Line Supply of Insulation Gaskets with Nuts, Sleeves, Bolts and the Bolt Tensioning Services for Fahud Gas Station
XV. HDPE Butt Heat Fusion Works for JORD OXY-OMAN Project 16", 6",4",3" & 2" for main contractor TOCO LLC
XVI. GTAW Welders supply for LNG Plant Shut down works and SOGEX- AL Kamil Power Plant
XVII. Pipe Fitters & SMAW manpower supply to PDO Al Kauther Depletion Project for LNT(Oman).

I was executing EPC & Turnkey Projects of steel fabrication works and engineering design of static equipment's which includes Turnkey projects of Plants & Equipment's, Atmospheric tanks, Silos, Underground Jacketed Vessels, Drain Vessels, Flow-Back tanks, Mud Tank System, Brine Tanks, Aeration Tanks, Frac Tanks, trailer mounted equipment's, flow lines and tank farms. I have provided one stop quality solution to our customers for all types of steel fabrica-tion works under one roof according to international codes of ASME/UL/BS/EN/NACE & ISO Standards.

I was responsible for estimation, marketing, design review & liaison with consultants for Pres-sure Vessel Fabrication, Knockout Drums, Bulk Storage Vertical API 650 Tanks, Semi-Trailer mounted tankers, Vacuum Tankers and Saddle mounted steel tanks.

I was posted at JK for construction of 45MW HEP Plant and was responsible for Mechanical Equipment's & Plants VIZ Erection of Batching plants, Ice Maker Plants, Chilling Plants, DG sets and associated mechanical works for the Plants & Equipment's and to take care of all mainte-nance works of mechanical equipment's, earthmoving machinery and crawler cranes at site.

I was responsible for engineering design and production of horizontal steel saddle mounted fuel tanks & associated general steel works.

I have worked in Government of J&K-PWD Mechanical Engineering Department and was re-sponsible for deployment of machinery & maintenance of works machinery, mechanical equipment's, Compressors, DG Sets, Plants and Earthmoving machinery.

For any further clarifications. Please feel free to contact the undersigned.
Yours Truly,

Eng. Muhammad Akbar Wani- 9817 7135
(B.E. Mechanical & Diploma in Business Management)
Muscat-Sultanate of Oman



First Name: Sanjeev Pal
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: 08009756433
Current Job Designation: Business Development Executive
Job Designation Applying For: Logistic Coordinator
Total Years of Experience: 2
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: Sanjeev Pal
(Sales Executive)
Location: Maharashtra, India
Contact: +91 8009756433
Sales-driven professional adept at steering strategic growth and enhancing product visibility within competitive markets, with 2 years and 8 months of focused experience in business development. Excels in applying analytical strategies to tap into emerging market opportunities and boost enterprise value through vigorous leadership of sales operations and customer relationship management.

• Initiated revenue-maximizing strategies that bolstered market presence
• Conducted deep market trend analyses to identify lucrative business opportunities
• Upgraded CRM systems, enhancing analytical capabilities and operational efficiency
• Negotiated cost-effective agreements with strategic vendors
• Led targeted customer acquisition efforts, significantly expanding the client base
• Streamlined sales processes to optimize efficiency and revenue growth
• Business Development
• Strategic Planning
• Market Penetration
• Revenue Growth
• Communication • Sales Strategy Development
• Market Research
• Customer Relationship Management
• Vendor Relationship Management
• Problem-Solving • Data Analysis
• Performance Monitoring
• Customer Database Management
• Leadership
• Negotiation

• Office Productivity: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access
• Accounting Software: Tally ERP 9
• Operating Systems: Windows 7/8/10
• CRM Software: CRM tools (Generic)

Business Development Executive | General Diagnostic International Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India June 2023 - June 2024
• Spearheaded the formulation of business development plans, focusing on strategic expansion of the client base
• Executed these plans effectively, accelerating revenue streams and enhancing market presence
• Conducted in-depth market analyses to identify lucrative business opportunities
• Implemented targeted strategies to seize these opportunities, ensuring alignment with corporate growth objectives

Field Sales Executive | Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals Corporation Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India September 2021 - May 2023
• Orchestrated the development of sales strategies, setting clear goals for the sales team
• Led these strategies to fruition, driving substantial market penetration and achieving significant sales milestones
• Engineered and maintained a comprehensive customer database, significantly enhancing data-driven decision-making
• Utilized the database to enhance customer engagement and interaction, ensuring detailed tracking and assessment
• Performed detailed evaluations of sales data to identify and understand customer behaviour trends and preferences
• Leveraged these insights to optimize marketing strategies and refine product offerings
• Cultivated strong relationships with vendors, focusing on strategic partnerships and negotiations
• Strengthened these partnerships, achieving significant cost reductions and improved operational efficiency across multiple product lines

• Bachelor of Science in Physics, Chemistry, and Maths, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia University, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh — 2020



First Name: Ashwini Manjeet Valmiki
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: 08668869121
Current Job Designation: Project manager
Job Designation Applying For: Sr project manager
Total Years of Experience: 16
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: Ashwini Chavan (Valmiki)
+91 8668869121
Pune, India – 411060
Salesforce Project Manager
LinkedIn Profile
Seasoned IT professional with 15+ years of experience in Application Development and CRM Management,
specializing in Salesforce Project Management. Successfully led over 30 Salesforce implementations,
boosting client satisfaction by 30% and reducing project delivery time by 20%. Expert in stakeholder
management, agile methodologies, and resource optimization. Seeking roles in Salesforce Project
Management to drive organizational growth and efficiency. Spearheaded projects across Telecom, Retail &
Banking, E-Mobility, and FSS sectors delivering tailored solutions that enhanced operational efficiencies
and increased service delivery speed by 25%, directly impacting customer satisfaction scores.
 Salesforce & CRM
 Agile Methodologies
 Risk Management
 Resource Allocation
 Budget Management
 Sales Cloud
 Service Cloud
 Experience Cloud
 Community Cloud
 Strategic Planning
 Incident Management
 Release Management
 Stakeholder Management
 Project Management
 Client Collaboration
 Requirements Gathering
 Communication Plans
 Process Improvement
 Performance Management
 Operations Management
 Project Delivery Management
Salesforce Project Manager | IBM India Private Ltd – Pune, India May 2022 – Present
 Developed, managed, and optimized delivery activities and processes, ensuring effective
prioritization and trade-offs aligned with overall strategy and organizational constraints.
 Applied agile methodologies, resulting in a 20% reduction in project delivery time and enhanced
team efficiency.
 Orchestrated end-to-end Salesforce projects for E-Mobility, Billing & Telecom industry clients,
achieving a 20% increase in project delivery efficiency.
 Collaborated closely with the product leader, internal teams and third-party vendors to design and
ensure efficient project execution, enhancing cross-functional team coordination and reducing
project delays by 40%
 Regularly assessed risks and opportunities for improvements to program and project management
processes; drove for process improvements focusing on simplification and productivity.
 Documentation of formal project plans including Project Charters, Roadmap, Communication Plans,
Timelines, Risks/Issues, Action Logs, Technical & Functional design documents.
 Directed cross-functional teams in developing and implementing Salesforce solutions, enhancing
client satisfaction by 30%.
 Formulated comprehensive project plans, timelines, and budgets, mitigating risks and ensuring
95% on-time project delivery.
 Coordinated scrum ceremonies and daily stand-ups, maintaining a 90% team productivity rate
throughout project lifecycles.
 Represented the primary point of contact for clients, fostering strong relationships and achieving a
98% client retention rate.
 Worked with the product and program leadership team to mature program and project
management frameworks and tools. Proficiency in project management tools such as Jira, MS
Project, Azure DevOps, Rally, ITSM Remedy.
 Integrated Salesforce with external systems using APIs and middleware solutions, ensuring
seamless data flow and real-time updates across platforms.
Salesforce Project Delivery Lead | Accenture Solutions Pvt. Ltd – Pune, India Aug 2013 – May 2022
 Implemented multiple Salesforce engagements, resulting in a 25% increase in project success rate
across Communications, Media & Technology domains.
 Aligned internal leadership and stakeholders to ensure project goals, improving stakeholder
satisfaction by 35%.
 Applied agile methodologies, resulting in a 20% reduction in project delivery time and enhanced
team efficiency.
 Devised and executed project communication plans, technical implementation plans, and release
trackers, ensuring 100% adherence to quality standards.
 Delivered periodic client updates on project goals, risks, and timelines, achieving a 95% client
approval rating on project deliverables.
 Automated complex business processes using Salesforce Flow and Process Builder, reducing
manual intervention by 40%.
 Utilized deep understanding of Salesforce platform capabilities to design solutions that meet
business requirements and enhance user experience
Salesforce Senior Programmer | Cognizant Technologies – Pune, India Sept 2012 – June 2013
 Supervised daily operations of the Salesforce Service Cloud platform, achieving a 15% reduction in
incident resolution time.
 Executed data migration strategies and created customized reports and dashboards, enhancing data
accuracy by 25%.
 Maintained security and compliance protocols, reducing security incidents by 20%.
 Led small to medium-scale projects, ensuring 90% project completion within the designated
 Evaluated client business processes, identifying improvement areas and implementing solutions to
increase efficiency by 30%.
System Administrator | Capita India Pvt. Ltd – Pune, India July 2010 – June 2011
 Developed metrics for key performance indicators, improving trend analysis accuracy by 40%.
 Maintained application performance and tuning, increasing system uptime by 10%.
 Provided third-line application support, reducing issue resolution time by 25%.
 Administered user provisioning and license management, optimizing resource allocation.
 Conducted regular system audits and cleanups, enhancing overall system performance by 15%.
PGDBA (Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration)
Symbiosis International University, Pune, India
BCS (BSc. Computer Science)
Symbiosis International University, Pune, India
 PRINCE2® Foundation
 Salesforce Certified App Builder
 Salesforce Certified AI Associate
 Salesforce Certified Administrator
 Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I
 Salesforce Certified Business Analyst
 Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant
 Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant
 Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Admin
 Salesforce Certified Developer – 401
 Zuora Certified Business Analyst L1


First Name: Subin Tk
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: +971504675872
Current Job Designation: Logistics
Job Designation Applying For: Logistics Assistant
Total Years of Experience: One year experience in Dubai
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: Hiring Manager
International Investment Firm
Dubai, UAE

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to apply for the HR & Admin Assistant role at your forward-thinking firm. With 2+ years of experience in compliance management, process optimization, and client coordination—alongside my proficiency in MS Office (Advanced Excel) and meticulous attention to detail—I am eager to contribute to your HR operations and sustainability goals.

Key Qualifications:
- Streamlined workflows in logistics roles, improving efficiency by 30-40% and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
- Managed 50+ client accounts and documentation, demonstrating strong organizational skills and accuracy in recordkeeping.
- Proficient in data entry, reporting, and cross-functional coordination—skills transferable to HRIS management, onboarding, and recruitment support.
- Familiar with UAE operational frameworks and committed to continuous learning, including local labor laws and HR best practices.

Based in Dubai and fluent in English, Hindi, and Malayalam, I am immediately available to join your team and support your mission of collaboration and professional growth. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my background aligns with your needs.

Thank you for considering my application.

Subin TK
Sonapur, Dubai, UAE | +971 504675872 | |


First Name: Devender
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: 09885676004
Current Job Designation: Area Service Manager
Job Designation Applying For: Area Service Manager
Total Years of Experience: 7
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: DEVENDER KUMAR R
Contact: +91 9885676004 | E-mail:
LinkedIn URL:
Personal Particulars
Date of Birth: 04-01-1990│ Nationality: Indian
Passport Number: Z5978656
Permanent/Present Address: India

Result Driven Professional with over a decade of distinguished expertise in the consumer durable industry, specializing in customer service and satisfaction Good at orchestrating large-scale service operations, managing multi-product portfolios, and driving customer-centric strategies to achieve operational excellence Good track record of enhancing service delivery, optimizing resource utilization, and maintaining high customer satisfaction metrics A strategic leader with a knack for streamlining processes, fostering team collaboration, and implementing innovative solutions to meet organizational goals.


Technical Skills: CRM (Salesforce), Warehouse Audits, Spare Parts Management, NPS Optimization, Digital Tools Implementation, Service Franchise Management
Functional Skills: Customer Satisfaction, Key Account Management, Team Leadership, Process Streamlining, Training & Development, Institutional AMCs, Retail Market Handling

Area Service Manager │Voltas Limited | Jul 2013 – Jul 2022
• Spearheaded customer satisfaction initiatives across Hyderabad and Telangana, managing a diverse product portfolio including air conditioners, refrigeration units, and home appliances.
• Implemented CRM (Salesforce) to enhance service efficiency and customer engagement.
• Directed 15 service franchises, ensuring seamless operations and alignment with retail market demands.
• Optimized spare parts logistics, reducing defective unit resolution time to 15 days.
• Conducted quarterly warehouse audits, maintaining inventory accuracy and operational readiness.
• Delivered technical and soft skills training to technicians, improving service quality and safety standards.
• Maintained an NPS of 80% and managed 55% of branch call load, contributing significantly to revenue generation.
Area Service Manager │Croma Limited | July 2022 – Nov 2022
• Oversaw customer service operations for Hyderabad and Telangana, handling a wide range of consumer electronics and appliances.
• Streamlined defective unit clearance processes, achieving resolution within one month.
• Expanded service network by onboarding 5 additional service centers to accommodate growing customer demand.
• Conducted monthly audits of spares and finished goods, ensuring operational efficiency.
• Maintained breakdown call dissatisfaction rates below 2%, enhancing customer trust and loyalty.
Area Service Manager │Samsung India Electronics Limited | Nov 2022 – Jul 2024
• Managed customer satisfaction for Hyderabad and Telangana, overseeing a vast product range including home appliances, visual displays, and mobile devices.
• Supervised 28 service centres, ensuring efficient service delivery during peak demand periods.
• Implemented same-day service initiatives, significantly improving customer experience.
• Maintained NPS at 80%, HCS at 90%, and dissatisfaction rates at 2.7%.
• Leveraged digital tools to enhance service center operations and customer engagement.

Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), JNTU Hyderabad University, India, 2013
Diploma in Automobile Engineering, S.G.M. Government Polytechnic College, India, 2008

English, Hindi



First Name: Imad Ahmed Ansari
E-Mail Address:
Country: Saudi Arabia
Phone: 0538677181
Current Job Designation: Operations Officer , Warehouse In charge
Job Designation Applying For: Operations Logistics officer
Total Years of Experience: 10
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: IMAD AHMED ANSARI
Place- Saudi (Ready to Relocate)
Contact Information:+966576182377,+966538677181
Email: ,
Nationality: Indian
Driving License: Valid Indian and Saudi Driving License, GCC
Marital Status: Single
A dedicated logistics professional adept in procurement, and
With over ten years of experience in logistics, I am a versatile and dynamic professional who can adapt to
changing business needs and deliver results operations coordination. Skilled in data analysis, vendor negotiation, and team leadership, with a proven ability
to optimize processes and drive efficiency. Successfully reduced procurement costs by 15% through strategic
vendor negotiations and procurement planning, demonstrating a commitment to achieving results and delivering
 Has Completed Sap ERP three months training of Material Management (MM)
 Certified In Packaging Acceptance Training by FedEx
 Completed SMSA Strategic Workshop
 Oracle JD  Operation Management  Data Analysis
 SAP ERP (MM)  Microsoft Dashboard  Vendor Negotiation
 Microsoft Office  Problem Solving  Team Leadership
 FedEx's SDM  Procurement Strategy  Communication
Logistics Operations Officer Feb 2023 – Present
 Tracked, received, and stocked over 500 items, ensuring timely availability for operations.
 Oversaw customer-based queues, effectively allocating tasks to meet configuration requirements, resulting in
a 15% increase in task completion efficiency.
 Ensured proper storage of materials, reducing instances of damage by 25%.
 Programmed the final inventory of materials before shipment, streamlining the process and reducing errors by
 Provided detailed lists of equipment moved from consolidation areas to sponsor shipping channels,
enhancing coordination with project coordinators.
 Managed and maintained inventory levels to prevent supply shortages, resulting in uninterrupted operations.
 Supervised equipment repairs, ensuring timely maintenance and minimizing downtime.
 Accounted for inventory discrepancies and implemented labeling and shipping time improvements, leading to
a 30% reduction in errors.
 Generated comprehensive reports on logistics activities and performance metrics, including purchase orders,
inventory levels, shipment schedules, and production, aiding in data-driven decision-making processes.
Operation head, Logistics Warehouse In charge and Sales Coordinator Operation head Feb 2021 – Jan 2023
 Orchestrated sales team operations, ensuring seamless coordination and achieving sales targets consistently
 Analyzed logistic challenges, researched solutions, and spearheaded the implementation of strategies,
resulting in a 15% improvement in operational efficiency and a 10% reduction in turnaround time.
 Managed material support functions, enhancing accountability and procurement processes, leading to a 20%
reduction in costs and a 30% increase in procurement accuracy.
 Prepared and presented data for monthly unit status reports, providing insights for informed decision-making
and strategic planning, contributing to a 15% increase in revenue.
 Established optimal inventory levels and replenishment requirements for new items, minimizing stockouts and
excess inventory by 25%, resulting in improved inventory turnover ratios.
 Provided critical support to front-line sales teams, facilitating administrative operations and enabling them to
focus on core sales activities, leading to a 20% increase in sales productivity.
 Addressed customer service inquiries promptly, ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction and retention
through timely and effective solutions, achieving a customer satisfaction rating of 95%.
MONH– Riyadh
E-Commerce Online Executive Jan 2020 – Feb 2021
 Coordinated and managed paid marketing campaigns across multiple platforms, meticulously analyzing
results to achieve a maximum ROI and driving a 20% increase in revenue.
 Oversaw the planning and execution of targeted sales and marketing strategies, resulting in a 15% growth in
customer acquisition and retention rates.
 Optimized sales methods to effectively engage, acquire, and retain customers, leading to a 25% improvement
in customer satisfaction scores.
 Provided comprehensive support to front-line sales teams, ensuring smooth administrative operations and
enabling a 30% increase in sales productivity.
 Developed pricing structures based on thorough analysis of historical and current trends, competitor activities,
and logistics data, contributing to a 10% increase in profit margins.
Saudi Ceramics Company – Riyadh
Procurement Officer Feb 2014 –Oct 2015
 Analyzed and reported on procurement data, covering all operational aspects, resulting in a 15% increase in
efficiency and cost savings.
 Communicated closely with stakeholders, including vendors and merchants, facilitating timely deliveries and
reducing lead times by 20%.
 Established and nurtured relationships with vendors, negotiating favorable terms and conditions, leading to a
10% decrease in procurement costs.
 Developed procurement plans based on service needs and spend analysis, optimizing cost-effective solutions
and enhancing purchasing power by 25%.
FedEx– Riyadh
Senior Logistics Coordinator Dec 2010 – April 2013
 Generated daily credit card reports, ensuring accuracy and completeness for financial tracking, with an
average of 20 reports prepared per day.
 Coordinated customer credit and debit card transactions, facilitating seamless payment processing for over
100 transactions daily.
 Orchestrated team off-sites and large meetings, organizing logistics for 10 events annually, fostering team
cohesion and collaboration.
Languages known: English, Hindi, Urdu ,Arabic
SIKKIM MANIPAL UNIVERSITY – Sikkim, India Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)


First Name: Hiba
E-Mail Address:
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: 0509323950
Current Job Designation: Sales interior designer
Job Designation Applying For: Coordinator,sales
Total Years of Experience: 4yrs
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: I am an interior designer as well as sales experience.I know AutoCAd,3Ds max


First Name: Tintu Mathew Thomas
E-Mail Address:
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: 00971501442538
Current Job Designation: Reinsurance Officer
Job Designation Applying For: Administration/Insurance
Total Years of Experience: 11
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: Tintu Mathew Thomas

Experienced administrative professional with over 10 years of expertise in insurance operation, reinsurance account reconciliation, and reporting. Proficient in process optimization, compliance management, and fostering customer relationships to support organizational goals.

Professional Experience (10 years 5 months)

General Takaful, State of Qatar | Reinsurance Officer | 2016-2023
•Reviewed underwriting returns to ensure treaty allocation of risk ceded and facultative support, meeting monthly targets.
•Investigated and resolved discrepancies in Reinsurance records in collaboration with Finance team by designing various Reconciliation Worksheets, enhancing accuracy and efficiency in accounts reconciliation processes.
•Developed Business Tracker Worksheets to monitor revenue, visually represent critical business KPIs, such as Monthly Revenue by Cedent and streamline reporting processes, thus reducing manual workload by 10 hours per week.
•Consistently produced technical reports for General, Life, and Medical businesses, ensuring full adherence to treaty terms and achieving 100% compliance standards.
•Created Quarterly Statistics RI reports, including detailed Claims Development Analysis Reports, to support treaty renewals and make informed decision-making processes.
•Collaborated with IT to optimize the Reinsurance (RI) system module, ensuring better functionality.

General Takaful, State of Qatar | Reinsurance Claims Officer | 2018-2020
•Processed and notified Reinsurance (RI) Claims to various FAC participants, ensuring accuracy and compliance with company policies.
•Coordinated with internal teams and external stakeholders for seamless claim handling.
•Managed documentation in RI department and claim submissions within strict deadlines.
•Assisted in claim-related inquiries from external participants and provided necessary support to Claims Department for efficient processing.
•Gained exposure to claims assessment but was not directly responsible for evaluations.

General Takaful, State of Qatar | General Underwriter | 2013-2015
•Evaluated insurance applications and reports from loss control specialists to assess potential risks and provide recommendations for coverage and pricing.
•Analyzed customer profiles and demographic data to assist in setting renewal rate, ensuring thorough assessment and prompt action.
•Calculated group and individual renewal rates by analyzing customer background, industry trends, and demographic data, enabling informed pricing decisions.
•Delivered exceptional customer service, by addressing inquiries and resolving issues related to coverage.
Mannai Corporation, State of Qatar | Asst. Project Co-ordinator | 2010-2011
•Managed day to day operations, ensuring efficiency in project tasks.
•Created detailed and concise spreadsheets for monitoring and reporting data needs.
•Assisted with customer communications to ensure adherence to agreement and deadlines.

Education & Certification

•Certificate of Insurance (Cert CII) UK - 2015
•MBA in International Business, Annamalai University - 2014
•BCom in Accounting & Finance, Annamalai University - 2012

Skills & Abilities

•Reconciliation of accounts
•Reporting and Compliance
•Customer Service and Relationship Management
•MS Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
•Organizational Skills
•Analytical Thinking
•Teamwork & Collaboration


•English - Full Professional Proficiency (ILR Level 4)
•Malayalam - Native Proficiency (ILR Level 5)



First Name: Victor
E-Mail Address:
Country: Pakistan
Phone: 923160265937
Current Job Designation: Deputy manager innovation & digital channels/ payments
Job Designation Applying For: Spa manager
Total Years of Experience: 7
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: Yes


First Name: Roshan
E-Mail Address:
Country: Saudi Arabia
Phone: 0539628106
Current Job Designation: Assistant Logistics Manager
Job Designation Applying For: Logistics Manager
Total Years of Experience: 10
Copy your Resume / CV in this box:


Phone: +966-0539628106 (Saudi Arabia)
+91-9302329910 (IND)
Location: Indore, India
Gender: Male
Dob: 16th July 1986
Nationality: Indian


• MBA (HR), Distance Learning, IMS, Indore (January 2018)
• BBA (Marketing), DAVV University, Indore (May 2014)
• Diploma in Computer Applications, Rajeev Gandhi Institute, Indore

Courses & Training

• Diploma in SAP Material Management (MM), Webcom Technologies Ltd., Indore

Key Skills

• Logistics Management
• Supply Chain Management
• Warehouse Operations
• Inventory Control
• SAP Material Management (MM)
• Transportation Management
• Quality Assurance & Compliance
• FIFO Inventory Management
• Customs Clearance
• Documentation & Reporting
• Team Leadership
• Problem-Solving
• Communication Skills
• Organizational Skills
• Strategic Decision-Making
• Tally Software Proficiency
• KPI Monitoring
• Process Improvement
• Audit & Inspection
• MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint


• English and Hindi

Assistant Logistics Manager

• Experienced logistics professional with 10+ years of comprehensive experience in logistics management, warehouse operations, and supply chain processes.
• Proven expertise in SAP Material Management (MM), inventory control, transportation regulations, and quality compliance.
• Strong leader with exceptional organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills, consistently improving operational efficiency.

Work History

Assistant Logistics Manager
Ajex Logistic Services, Saudi Arabia
November 2023 – Present
Key Responsibilities:
• Overseeing and maintaining optimal inventory levels, ensuring timely deliveries, and keeping detailed records of inbound and outbound shipments.
• Supervising and coordinating loading/unloading processes, and meticulously verifying materials received against purchase orders.
• Managing online customer orders for various shipping methods, employing FIFO (First In, First Out) inventory techniques.
• Leading logistics operations encompassing transportation management, warehouse activities, safety compliance, and quality assurance.
• Leveraging extensive knowledge of transportation regulations, including NMFC classifications and Less Than Truckload (LTL) operations.
• Handling packaging approval processes from suppliers and continuously enhancing supply chain procedures.
• Ensuring timely and accurate processing of Advanced Shipping Notices (ASNs), promptly notifying procurement teams of delays to mitigate risks.
• Successfully led a logistics team, ensuring timely execution of tasks and building positive, lasting customer relationships.

Senior Logistics Executive
Prataap Snacks Ltd., Indore, India
December 2019 – October 2023
Key Responsibilities:
• Conducting comprehensive internal audits, performing detailed inspections of received goods, and promptly reporting any discrepancies to maintain quality standards.
• Overseeing all warehouse operations, including receiving goods, managing finished product inventories, inventory control, and documentation processes.
• Utilizing SAP and other logistics software to efficiently manage transportation and logistics operations.
• Developing & monitoring key logistics objectives and measurable performance indicators (KPIs).
• Streamlined storage practices to improve inventory accuracy, reduced operational time, and enhanced the efficiency of dispatch operations.

Commercial & Logistics Executive
Flexituff International Ltd., Pithampur, India
May 2014 – November 2019
Key Responsibilities:
• Managing extensive documentation including spreadsheets, vouchers, invoices, daily MIS reports, and proficiently using Tally software.
• Coordinating and executing order tracking, customs clearance processes, and effectively communicating with transportation carriers and customs brokers.
• Preparing and maintaining essential export-import documentation, shipping documents, commercial invoices, packing lists, container dispatch details, and verified gross mass (VGM) records.
• Hands-on experience in SAP Material Management (MM) including configuring and managing Material Master, Vendor Master, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and the Procure-to-Pay (P2P) cycle.


Phone: +966-0539628106 (Saudi Arabia)
+91-9302329910 (IND)
Location: Indore, India
Gender: Male
Dob: 16th July 1986
Nationality: Indian


• MBA (HR), Distance Learning, IMS, Indore (January 2018)
• BBA (Marketing), DAVV University, Indore (May 2014)
• Diploma in Computer Applications, Rajeev Gandhi Institute, Indore

Courses & Training

• Diploma in SAP Material Management (MM), Webcom Technologies Ltd., Indore

Key Skills

• Logistics Management
• Supply Chain Management
• Warehouse Operations
• Inventory Control
• SAP Material Management (MM)
• Transportation Management
• Quality Assurance & Compliance
• FIFO Inventory Management
• Customs Clearance
• Documentation & Reporting
• Team Leadership
• Problem-Solving
• Communication Skills
• Organizational Skills
• Strategic Decision-Making
• Tally Software Proficiency
• KPI Monitoring
• Process Improvement
• Audit & Inspection
• MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint


• English and Hindi

Assistant Logistics Manager

• Experienced logistics professional with 10+ years of comprehensive experience in logistics management, warehouse operations, and supply chain processes.
• Proven expertise in SAP Material Management (MM), inventory control, transportation regulations, and quality compliance.
• Strong leader with exceptional organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills, consistently improving operational efficiency.

Work History

Assistant Logistics Manager
Ajex Logistic Services, Saudi Arabia
November 2023 – Present
Key Responsibilities:
• Overseeing and maintaining optimal inventory levels, ensuring timely deliveries, and keeping detailed records of inbound and outbound shipments.
• Supervising and coordinating loading/unloading processes, and meticulously verifying materials received against purchase orders.
• Managing online customer orders for various shipping methods, employing FIFO (First In, First Out) inventory techniques.
• Leading logistics operations encompassing transportation management, warehouse activities, safety compliance, and quality assurance.
• Leveraging extensive knowledge of transportation regulations, including NMFC classifications and Less Than Truckload (LTL) operations.
• Handling packaging approval processes from suppliers and continuously enhancing supply chain procedures.
• Ensuring timely and accurate processing of Advanced Shipping Notices (ASNs), promptly notifying procurement teams of delays to mitigate risks.
• Successfully led a logistics team, ensuring timely execution of tasks and building positive, lasting customer relationships.

Senior Logistics Executive
Prataap Snacks Ltd., Indore, India
December 2019 – October 2023
Key Responsibilities:
• Conducting comprehensive internal audits, performing detailed inspections of received goods, and promptly reporting any discrepancies to maintain quality standards.
• Overseeing all warehouse operations, including receiving goods, managing finished product inventories, inventory control, and documentation processes.
• Utilizing SAP and other logistics software to efficiently manage transportation and logistics operations.
• Developing & monitoring key logistics objectives and measurable performance indicators (KPIs).
• Streamlined storage practices to improve inventory accuracy, reduced operational time, and enhanced the efficiency of dispatch operations.

Commercial & Logistics Executive
Flexituff International Ltd., Pithampur, India
May 2014 – November 2019
Key Responsibilities:
• Managing extensive documentation including spreadsheets, vouchers, invoices, daily MIS reports, and proficiently using Tally software.
• Coordinating and executing order tracking, customs clearance processes, and effectively communicating with transportation carriers and customs brokers.
• Preparing and maintaining essential export-import documentation, shipping documents, commercial invoices, packing lists, container dispatch details, and verified gross mass (VGM) records.
• Hands-on experience in SAP Material Management (MM) including configuring and managing Material Master, Vendor Master, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and the Procure-to-Pay (P2P) cycle.



First Name: Dawit
E-Mail Address:
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971553634887
Current Job Designation: Telecommunication
Job Designation Applying For: Tour Organizer or related fields
Total Years of Experience: 4 years
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: DAWIT ABAY
Tour Guide Coordinator

Personal info +971553634887
Deira, Naif rd, Dubai, UAE

HR Department

Subject: Application for Tour Guide coordinator or related fields.

Dear Hiring department I am writing to apply for the Tour Guide or related fields position with your company. With my excellent customer service skills and passion for travel, I believe I am well-suited for this role. My background includes 3-4 years of experience in the tourism industry as a tour operation coordinator. During this time, I have acquired strong interpersonal and communication skills, and I can easily interact with people from various backgrounds. I am also well-versed in different cultures and customs, which is essential for a tour guide. In addition, I am confident in my ability to provide exceptional customer service and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all tour participants. I am knowledgeable in the history and geography of the area, and I have a knack for providing engaging and informative commentary to enhance the tour experience. I am also proficient in the use of technology and can easily use tools such as GPS and maps. I am confident that I have the right skills and qualifications to excel as a tour guide with your company. I am eager to learn more about this position and discuss my qualifications in more detail. I look forward to hearing from you.


First Name: John
E-Mail Address:
Country: Kenya
Phone: +254794059005
Current Job Designation: Laborer
Job Designation Applying For: General laborer
Total Years of Experience: 3
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: JOHN GICHEHA
 Nakuru kenya
 +254794059005

 Skills
- Physical strength and stamina for heavy
lifting and long hours. - Proficient in using
hand tools, power tools, and equipment. -
Knowledge of workplace safety protocols
and hazard prevention. - Adaptable to
various industries, including construction,
warehouse, and cleaning. - Reliable,
punctual, and team-oriented. - Excellent
attention to detail and problem-solving

Jan 2023 -
Nov 2024
August 2021 -
Dec 2022
April 2020 -
June 2021-

 Objective
Hardworking and reliable laborer with a strong work ethic and experience in
performing physical tasks across various industries. Skilled in handling tools,
maintaining safety, and assisting teams in achieving goals efficiently. Seeking
a labor or helper role where I can contribute my skills and dedication to the
success of the team.

 Experience
Acceler Global logistics
Warehouse assistant
- Loaded and unloaded goods from delivery trucks, ensuring proper
handling and storage.
- Organized and labeled items in the warehouse for efficient inventory
- Operated pallet jacks and hand trucks to move heavy items safely.
- Conducted regular inventory checks and reported discrepancies to
First Class Cleaning & Sanitation Services Limited
- Supported cleaning and maintenance operations in residential and
commercial spaces.
- Assisted team leads in handling supplies, arranging furniture, and
organizing materials.
- Ensured workspaces were clean, sanitized, and organized according to
client requirements.
- Worked collaboratively with team members to exceed quality standards.

Epco Builders limited
General laborer
- Performed various on-site tasks, including lifting, moving, and arranging
construction materials.
- Cleaned and maintained tools, equipment, and work areas to ensure
safety and efficiency.
- Assisted tradespeople with preparation and manual tasks to meet project
- Operated basic tools and adhered to safety protocols consistently.
 Education
Natewa high school
High school certificate


First Name: Raheel
E-Mail Address:
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: 0545960919
Current Job Designation: Quality Controller
Job Designation Applying For: Assistant Manager
Total Years of Experience: 8
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: Food Technologist Summary
I have completed my M.Sc from Department of Food Science And Technology at University of Karachi. I am looking forward to work in Food and Beverage Industry or any other industry related to my area of work to test my abilities and gain as much as experience and knowledge I can,which can help me to understand the industry more practically.


27th December 2022 - Present

Professional Experience
Quality Controller (Compliance)
Cristal Plastic LLC - Abu Dhabi, UAE (G&T Group)
To supervise Quality Lab during day shift.
Overlooking of all testing's regarding SML (Sheet Line), Thermoforming and PET preforms for food industry. Documentation of all testing reports.
Assist Quality HOD and QA Manager for Audits and Certification such as ISO 9001:2015, Halal, BRCGS Issue 6, OSHAD, ISO 14001, ISO 50001.
Supervision of Junior Quality Staff to perform their daily task.
Supervision of all testing which include, Haze, micron, Intrinsic Viscosity, Top Load, Gas Chromatography etc. Also inspection and approval of all incoming raw material in the factory.
Approval of printing job with respect to artwork.
Command and routine working on SAP S4 Hanna i.e. creating SR, PR generation of service & material, entry & results checking of material using T-codes, inspection plan creation, CoA's creation on SAP, Record Usage Decision, Quality Notification, maintenance ticket raiser, code creation and extension using MDG server.

4th February 2020 - 20th December 2022

Senior Officer QC/QA
Matco Foods Ltd. (Rice Glucose Division)
Responsibilities in Quality Control:-
To supervise the QC lab during the shift and to report all activities to Manager QC.
To cooperate with production shift in-charge for smooth running of plant and to maintain product parameters within the specified ranges.
To be responsible for all activities performed by QC during the shift regarding the tests and analysis. To carry out the analysis on HPLC and other sophisticated analytical instruments and to complete all documentations and record keeping regarding QC lab.
Work with strict compliance to all company's rules and regulations.
Perform any other job function that may be assigned to him by In-charge or Manager.
Responsibilities in Quality Assurance:-

To maintain and implement daily calibration, chemicals and other records of laboratory.
Inspection of hygienic activities in process area and aware workers to implement proper hygienic protocols. Checking of documents on daily basis of both laboratory and production units for proper record keeping. Performing of different activities such as, maintaining safety of workers, implementation of quality protocol regarding standards.
To assist my Superior in External Audits to achieve and complete auditing tasks.
Maintaining proper documentation of Glucose plant by using QA standards with the help of implementation of checklist on weekly and monthly basis.
Checking of documents of different departments in the division.
Responsibilities in Production:-
To keep strict view in production until the completion of finish product as quality demands.
To guide workers and implement quality standards and protocol by working along with shift incharges for smooth production.
Surety of in-line product and finish product which has to be produce as QC demands. Proper filling and packaging of the product.
Responsibilities in Supply chain and Logistics:-
Checking and inspection of incoming raw material along with its testing.
Overlooking condition of finished products with its accurate shifting and loading condition. Checking of proper cleanliness and safety of finished good before dispatching.
Inspection and loading of export containers from overlooking condition of the container till final loading. Maintaining export documents such as; containers checklist, container stacking list etc.

3rd August 2017 - 4th February 2020

Officer QC/QA
Matco Foods Ltd. (Rice Glucose Division)
To supervise QC lab and lab attendants for testing and smooth running of shift. To assist QCM for documentation related to QA.
To work with production shift incharge during rotation shifts for smooth running of production. Production of daily frame work for maximum output during each shift.
To maintain proper log sheets and other document in every shift. Maintain strict GMP and GHP in factory towards workers.
Overlooking dispatch and filling of the product on daily basis.
Ensuring of proper cleanliness and damages of packaging material before filling to avoid any contamination. To assure proper dispatching of the product to customer with collaboration of dispatch department.
Overlooking sensitive instrument like HPLC during each shifts for smooth operation and troubleshooting.

8th Jan 2017 - 27th Feb 2017

Quality Assurance Internee
Young's Pvt Ltd.
Observation and inspection of all raw materials, packing materials, consumable items at the time of receiving. Testing of all raw materials, packing materials, consumable items in laboratory; include.
1. Testing of edible
2. Testing of Mayonnaise and honey glass bottles and jars.
3. Testing of chicken at receiving stage.
4. Testing of eggs at receiving
5. Testing of packing materials mostly Cartons and foils used in pouch making.
6. Testing of consumable items mostly sanitizers.
7. Comparing of all raw materials, packing material, consumable items with CoA and artwork.
8. Closing of quality order through Microsoft Dynamics.

Good Teamwork ability Relationship building Competitive intelligence Team leadership Troubleshooting Research and analysis

Core Competencies
Ability to work independently Meticulous attention to detail
Strong written and verbal communication Problem solving
Critical thinking
Active learner & listener

Quality Control Analysis Continuous improvement Core process development

Production and Machinery Quality Assurance & related work

Completely aware of machinery and production environment due to working in a process plant, QC, process control and production supervision is also included.

Familiar with the work of quality assurance and its related work such as documentation.

Dispatching and Making of Shipment documents High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Dispatch of finished goods with proper QC approved parameters and also known to make shipment documents with knowledge of logistics, in which container checking and other functions also included.

Properly worked on HPLC for the testing of Carbohydrates mostly Rice Glucose Syrup.

Quality Control Quality Assurance Technical Sales Factory Operations

Area of Interest

Education and Certifications

M.Sc in Food Science and Technology, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Karachi B.Sc in Food Science and Technology, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Karachi. Two days session on HACCP at Marine Fisheries Department Karachi.
Participate in one day seminar of Quality Management System ISO:9001 (Matco Foods Ltd) Two weeks training in Microbiology department of PCSIR Laboratories Karachi
Attended two days training on Awareness and Internal Auditing on Halaal Management System (Bureau Veritas Pakistan) Training on Halaal Management System (Pakistan Institute of Food Safety)
Training on Integrated Pest Management (SGS Pakistan) Training on FSSC 22000 Internal Auditor Course: Version 5.1 Lead Auditor FSSC 22000 Version 5.1 (SGS Pakistan)
Lead Auditor BRCGS Issue 8 (SGS Pakistan)
Internal Auditing Training on ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 (W3 Solutions UAE)

Personal Information

Father Name: Muhammad Younus Nationality: Pakistani
Religion: Sunni Muslim Marital Status: Single Date of Birth: 10-10-1993
National Identity Card Number: 42101-4677579-5 Hobbies: Music, Movies
Languages: English, Urdu

Passport Number: AW9105793 Date of Expiry: 24th Feb 2034



First Name: Sandeep Kumar
E-Mail Address:
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: 553406230
Current Job Designation: Senior Automation Engineer
Job Designation Applying For: QA Automation Lead
Total Years of Experience: 13
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: CORE COMPETENCIES
Technology and business visionary professional with over 12 years of experience in developing and implementing robust automated testing frameworks, seeking a lead position in the Middle East. Eager to leverage my expertise in automation tools and CI/CD practices to drive quality assurance initiatives, enhance team performance, and deliver innovative solutions that align with organizational goals in a fast-paced, technology-driven environment. Certified in Prompt Engineering for AI systems. Open to opportunities across the UAE and GCC markets.
• Strategic Automation Leadership: Possessing over 12 years of experience in software testing and automation, specializing in both web and mobile applications, with a strong commitment to delivering high-quality products.
• Data-Driven Quality & Performance Metrics – Established QA dashboards and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure automation ROI, defect density, and test coverage, enabling data-driven decision-making for process improvements.
• People & Process Management - Proven ability to build, mentor, and lead high-performing automation teams, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement, resulting in high morale and low attrition.
• Expert in industry-leading tools such as Selenium, Appium, and Playwright, with a proven track record of enhancing testing efficiency and reducing time-to-market.
• Automation ROI & Optimization – Successfully implemented cost-effective automation frameworks that reduced test execution time by 60%+ and cut manual efforts by over 70%, directly contributing to faster release cycles and improved software quality.
• Successfully developed automation frameworks such as BDD, POM and Hybrid Automation Frameworks using Selenium, Appium and Playwright and CI Integration with Jenkins.
• Skilled in developing and executing comprehensive test strategies to ensure quality and performance across software applications, aligning testing processes with project requirements and industry best practices, while identifying risks and optimizing resource allocation for efficient test execution.
• Accelerating Test Efficiency through CI/CD – Integrated automated test suites into DevOps pipelines, reducing regression cycle time and ensuring seamless software releases with enhanced quality.
• AI & Next-Gen Testing Expertise – Hands-on experience in AI-powered test automation, including validating machine learning models, ensuring algorithm accuracy, and leveraging AI agents like Browser-Use to automate test execution, increasing efficiency.
Automation Engineer
CONTACT +971-553406230 LinkedIn: Sandeep-Kumar- AutomationEngineer
Framework Development (POM, BDD) Leadership and Team Management Data Structures and Algorithms Test Automation/ Metrics Management Requirement Gathering & Analysis Bug Tracking and Resolution Quality Assurance Metrics Software Testing Automation Lifecycle Framework Development Testing Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning Applications Mentorship and Training Stakeholder Relationship Management Test Strategy, QA Metrics and Agile CI/CD and DevOps Integration Model Validation and Testing Software Testing and Validation Cross-functional Collaboration
Introduction to Machine Learning Models (AI-ML Testing) – Udemy 2024 Selenium WebDriver with Java-Basics to Advanced+Frameworks – Udemy 2024 Introduction to AI pair programming, Gen AI for Quality Engineers - Udemy 2024 Certified Tester Foundation Level - ISTQB Appium Mobile Testing (Android/ iOS) - Udemy 2024 Prompt Engineering -One Million Prompter
SOFT SKILLS Progressive Leadership Effective Communication Change Agent Problem-solving Result-oriented Analytical Thinking
2010: Bachelor of Information Science | Appa Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India
Automation Tools:
Selenium, Appium and, Playwright
CI/CD Tools:
Jenkins, Docker, GIT and AWS
Version Control:
Testing Types:
AI-ML Models, Functional and Regression
Mobile Testing:
Test Management:
JIRA, TestNG, Maven, Postman
Programming Language:
Java, JavaScript, TypeScript
Cloud Testing:
AI Agent:
Sauce Labs, LambdaTest and Perfecto Tool
Key Result Areas:
• Enterprise Test Automation Leadership: Led automation strategy and execution for BlueYonder SCPO and, ensuring seamless
test automation for web and mobile applications.
• Content Automation Initiatives: Automated content creation and publishing processes using Brightspot CMS, streaming workflows and
ensuring higher accuracy in content management.
• Enhancing Test Frameworks: Improved test execution times by 70% by developed an automation framework based on the POM model with
TestNG and Maven, significantly optimizing the overall testing process.
• Automation ROI and Business Impact: Delivered measurable ROI by reducing defect rates by more than 25% in production, improving release
stability and increasing overall automation efficiency.
• Mobile Application Quality Assurance: Spearheaded Appium based automation for Atom Bank, UK, leading to enhanced test strategies,
reliability and user experience.
• CI/CD and Devops Integration: Optimized CI/CD pipelines by integrating automated test suites, reducing test execution times by 30% and
ensuring rapid, high quality release.
• Stakeholder Communication and Reporting: Acted as the primary liaison between QA, development and business teams, providing real-time
insights defect trends and quality metric for informed decision-making.
Title: Onshore Experience | Automation Test Engineer
Location: Phoenix and Durham, UK (Client Office)
Key Result Areas:
• Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaborated effectively with cross-functional teams to develop and refine automation framework.
• Knowledge Transfer Leadership: Conducted knowledge transfer sessions for offshore teams, ensuring smooth offshore transitions.
• Cultural Adaptation and Team Synergy: Adapted to diverse time zones and cultural sensitivities, ultimately fostering a more cohesive
working environment.
Jan'17- Jun'19 | Senior Project Engineer | Wipro Technologies, Bangalore, India
Key Result Areas:
• Agile Project Management: Implemented the Scrum framework to streamline project workflows, resulting in reduced project completion times
and enabling the team to consistently meet tight deadlines while delivering high-quality automation solutions.
• Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Developed and configured CI/CD pipelines for executing automated scripts,
facilitated efficient reporting to stakeholders and ensuring timely feedback on testing progress and results.
• Mobile Application Automation: Automated testing scenarios for mobile applications associated with major clients, including Lloyds Bank,
Halifax Bank, and BOS Bank, ensuring robust testing coverage and enhancing overall application quality by 40%.
• Cloud-Based Testing Execution: Scheduled and executed comprehensive testing on real devices within cloud platforms using the Perfecto tool,
improving testing efficiency by 30% and allowing for real-time results across various mobile environments.
Jan'15- Jan'17 | Associate – Projects | Cognizant Technology Solutions, Chennai, India
Key Result Areas:
• Automated Insurance app – Developed and implemented test automation for QNXT (US based insurance app) using UFT, enhancing testing
efficiency and accuracy.
• Training and Knowledge Sharing – Trained the functional testing team on UFT automation, enabling broader adoption of test automation.
Jul'11- Dec'14 | Associate Professional: Product Developer | DXC Technology, Chennai, India
Key Result Areas:
• Nursing Solution Testing – Conducted functional testing for an early-bird hospital in the Dutch market, ensuring solution stability and
compliance with business requirements.
• Beta testing and Business Scenario – Acted as a beta tester, executing real-world business scenarios to identify usability, performance and
functional gaps before market launch.
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu and Tamil
Jun'19- Dec'24 | Lead Automation Engineer | Qualitest Group, Bangalore, India


First Name: Marwan
E-Mail Address:
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971552447875
Current Job Designation: Area Operations Manager
Job Designation Applying For: Supply Chain and Logistics, Operations, Program/Project Management, etc
Total Years of Experience: 4
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: Marwan Aljundi
+9715524478751 | | LinkedIn | Nationality: Canadian | Dubai

Results-oriented operations leader with a strong background in supply chain management and logistics, specializing in process
optimization, people development, and program execution. Experienced in managing large teams and driving operational
improvements at Amazon, with expertise in leveraging data and ERP systems to enhance efficiency and performance. Proven ability
to lead cross-functional projects, streamline workflows, and implement scalable solutions that improve safety, quality, and
Seeking a program/project management role to apply my skills in driving strategic initiatives and delivering impactful results within
supply chain and logistics organizations.

Amazon Fulfillment, Canada
Area Operations Manager II Oct/2024 – Current

• Operations Manager proxy, responsible for Outbound performance and mentorship for fellow managers
• Leading the People Pillar for all shifts in Outbound to improve our employee satisfaction, safety, and work culture
• Actively analyze data, metrics, and reports to find opportunities of improvement and enhance operations
• Manage shift flow to ensure shift executes the highest standards of Safety, Quality, and Productivity
• Maintenance and operation on robotic equipment and conveyance in partnership with site Maintenance Engineers

Learning and Development Manager Mar/2024 – Oct/2024

• Onboarded and trained 500+ associates into one of the most advanced fulfillment centers in Canada
• Managing site learning team which compromises of 2 Learning Coordinators (L4) and 12 Learning Trainers (T3)
• Planning and executing on cross-dept training for the site and ensuring all areas have resources to achieve targets
• Performance management for all associates in all departments to reach the highest standards of Safety, Productivity, and
• Onboarding and development of Operations Managers, Area Managers, and Process assistants

Area Operations Manager II
• Leading a team of 90+ associates of direct/indirect associates and process assistants in daily operations
• Outbound Pack subject matter expert and point of contact for the #1 fulfillment center in Canada
• Utilization of Amazon ERP systems to drive the creation of staffing plans, schedules, and process planning
• Manage shift flow to ensure shift executes the highest standards of Safety, Quality, and Productivity
Oct/2023 – Mar/2024

Area Operations Manager I July/2022 – Sept/2023

• Launch and test the new site in Ottawa, ramped up the team and set the site for success
• Oversee daily Productivity, Quality, and Safety of Operations
• Led a project of a Quality Glide-path that included several actions resulting in a 40% improvement in the Quality of the process
• Testing and procurement of Barcode Scanners that improved the business process, as well as increasing productivity by 16%
Quality Manager Intern May/2021 – Aug/2021
• Initiated a project of improving the standard process of receiving inventory in the warehouse. Focused on reduction of cost of
reimbursements to Vendors due to improper material handling, resulted in a 21% yearly reduction of cost
• Aimed for the highest standard of process execution by identifying the root cause of defects and implementing process audits.
Reduced the need of handling exceptions and increasing productivity

Modern Options Hotel Supplies
Marketing Executive Intern

• Placing POs to import hotel supplies from the UAE to Jordan
• Marketing a variety of linen products to a diverse set of hotel chains and restaurants
• Increased the exposure of the business and increased the market share of the business in Jordan
Dec/2020 – April/2021

Aldo Group, Canada
Sales Associate Nov/2019 – Nov/2020

• Consistent top performer and achieved the highest number of monthly sales
• Opening, Operation, and Closure of Cash registry in the store
• Fulfillment of shipments for online orders, Inventory and stock management


Amazon Fulfillment
• Designed and installed height indicators at staging areas for storing totes in the warehouse to ensure safety of employees
• Implemented change in equipment for scanners, conveyance, and stations in the Outbound Pack Department that improved
productivity by 20% and order accuracy by 35%
• Designed and implemented a process for a portal where employees can apply for critical roles and eliminate bias in selection
by giving fair opportunities
• Developed and configured a process of auto shipment prioritization and selection along with installation of new workstations
that reduced cycle time in Outbound Processes and reduced late shipments by 40%


• Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office (Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint, PowerBi), ERP Systems, Ms. Access SQL
• Negotiation and Stakeholder management along with Conflict resolution and De-escalation
• Deep diving data and metrics to make business decisions and improve business processes
• Change management and Process improvement
• Problem Solving; Applied problem-solving skills to resolve identified barriers and gaps, and deliver results
• Planning and workflow management


Bachelor of Commerce, Honours; concentration in Supply Chain Management Sept/2018 – April/2022
Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa ON
• Deans Honour's List in all 4 years of study, received Costco scholarship of Supply Chain Management
• Relevant courses: Business Analytics, Data Management, Supply Chain Technologies, Int. Business Negotiations


• English, Advanced Proficiency
• Arabic, Advanced Proficiency
• Spanish, Intermediate Proficiency


• Launched and implemented Arabs @ Amazon affinity group as the Vice President of the group to comprehend a more
inclusive workplace for Arab employees at the workplace
• Active member of Carleton Supply Chain Management Association as the VP of Events during university years to increase
our students' connections and network in the regiOn


First Name: AKRITI
E-Mail Address:
Country: Oman
Phone: 94184394
Current Job Designation: IA
Job Designation Applying For: Finance, tax, internal audit
Total Years of Experience: 9
Copy your Resume / CV in this box:


First Name: Rajaganapathy
E-Mail Address:
Country: India
Phone: 9159147457
Current Job Designation: Piping eng
Job Designation Applying For: Engineer
Total Years of Experience: 13
Copy your Resume / CV in this box:


First Name: shibu
E-Mail Address:
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: 0504228977
Current Job Designation: Food safety Quality & Hygiene officer
Job Designation Applying For: Food Safety &Hygiene
Total Years of Experience: 21 years
Copy your Resume / CV in this box: CAREER OBJECTIVE
To completely immerse myself to the company objectives in a capacity as Food Safety and Quality Manager / Hygiene Officer.

Motivated, Personable professional with college Diploma in Hotel Management Catering Technology and applied Nutrition (HMCT&AN), as well as in FOOD SAFETY.
Globally Certified In HACCP, Level 4 Advance.
Diplomatic and tactful with professionals at all levels. Accustomed to handling sensitive and confidential records.

Flexible and Versatile
• Admirable experience in administering in Food safety and Management System (FSMS)
• Deep knowledge of food safety and planning the Safety Objectives in esteemed organization
• Updating and maintain the Documents and Records for the audit purpose.
• Goal and Outcome Oriented, Reliable and Enthusiast.
• Good Interpersonal Skill, Multi- tasking in a professional manner with a smile
• Good in communication, Negotiating with the supplier about the product.
• Good Contact with Dubai Based Food suppliers
• Can work under minimum supervision
• Possess a positive attitude with the ability to get things done

"DOME -an International Chain of Delivery Outstanding Meal Experience of Australian Franchises in Food Industries as well as in Hospitality Restaurant having more than 92 outlets worldwide, in UAE Temasek LLC (Head Office) is the Master Franchiser.
• Has overall 18 years of Experience in Food Industry Dome International.
• Worked in Puranmal Group as an OPERATION MANAGER for 3.5 years
• Presently working as a FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGER at ONE ORDER PORTAL LLC (Singapore- Egyptian based company)
• FOOD SAFETY AND HYGIENE TRAINER Level 1,2 and 3(PIC), Accredited by
Dubai Municipality.
• FOOD SAFETY QUALITY OFFICER in Lebanon based company in UAE, (Dairy and meat products)



 IMPLEMENTATION OF HACCP in Food industries based on ISO standard and DM requirement.
 Conducting Basic Food Hygiene Course and Exams for all staffs.
 Develop and implement Hygiene Policies: Establish comprehensive hygiene policies and procedures in line with the standards and regulatory requirements.
 Training and Education : conduct regular training section for staff on hygiene protocols, including proper handling , storage and sanitation practices and Submitting the Certificates to Food Control Department for their verification and approval through FOODWATCH
 Updating the Rules and Regulations issued by Food Control Department.
 Inspections and Audits: conduct internal audits and coordinate with external auditors as necessary. Critical violations to be noted and remedial actions to be taken.
 To ensure staff are following hygiene standards including personal and general hygiene.
 To detain imported packages which are suspected to contain articles of food, the import or sale of which is prohibited
 Documentation and Record- keeping: Maintain accurate record of hygiene inspection Audits, training sessions ,and incidents, prepare Reports for management and regulatory agencies as required. To coordinate and facilitate the introduction of food safety systems and objectives (FSMS)
 Inspecting the Quantity and Quality of Food Product to ensure the standards are Maintained.
 Negotiation with major Suppliers for major AMC such as pest control, calibration etc. (approved by Dubai Municipality).

 Overall In-charge of five outlets (Restaurant & Cold room (Warehouse) ensuring the quality and safety of product.
 Attending weekly meetings with General Manager.
 Conducting Internal Audit program based on ISO standard.
 Develop safe and positive work environment for staffs and ensure to follow the hygiene standard as well as maintain FIFO.
 Keep updated records of all HACCP/ISO/food safety related documents.
 Being the Person In-Charge of the company, have to maintain and update all HACCP/ISO documents (documents should be ready at all times, for possible unannounced inspection),
 daily checking of cleanliness and orderliness of the entire company facility, vehicle, food handlers and ensure that all the food safety monitoring records are filled up and updated on a daily basis.
 Update and maintain the Food watch account of the company.


 ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN HACCP Level 4 (U-TECH International) Globally Certified.
 ISO 22000-2018 INTERNAL AUDITOR EXEMPLAR GLOBAL ( Globally Certified)
 PIC (personal In-charge) accredited by EIAC Dubai Municipality.
 FOOD HYGIENE SAFETY TRAINER Level 1 ,2,3 (INTERNAL), Approved by Dubai
Municipality , Accredited by DAC year-2009
 Bachelor DEGREE in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (BBA),year-1998-2001
Diploma in Computer application. (DCA)

Nationality : Indian
Passport No. : T 3946650
Marital Status : Married
Date of Birth : 13 Feb 78
Languages Known : English, Hindi Malayalam and Tamil.
UAE Driving License No. : 3465737
I hereby declare that the above particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Yours Sincerely
Shibu Abraham

cont: 050-4228977

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