Marketing specialist-Marketing manager

Full Name: Allan DOS REIS
E-Mail Address:
Mobile Number: 0585503712
Current Location - City/Country: Dubai
Sector : Sales/Marketing
Job Designation (Current): Marketing specialist
Job Designation (Wanted): Marketing specialist / Marketing manager
Main Skill Set/Expertise: Marketing and digital
Total Experience in Number of Years: 4
Highest Degree/Diploma/Certification: Master degree
Nationality: French

Copy-Paste Your CV Here: Capgemini, Paris | Marketing Officer
SEPTEMBER 2019 - SEPTEMBER 2021  | 2 Years

. Organizing events from A to Z gathering professionals in the digital industry (200 attendees, budget of 100K€)
. Held conferences presenting innovative digital solutions like cloud, cybersecurity, and IoT
• Designed all the imagery for the event such as flyers and kakemono, and promoted the event through call to action
. Conducted debriefs to draw lines of improvements
Website’s improvement: realization & integration of success stories; site’s ergonomic design & functionality
. Collaboration with different departments (IT, alliance managers, and customer service)
. Marketing Campaign – Marketing Automation
. Creation of campaigns for companies in the artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and cloud area
. Development of reports adapted to our customers to improve the customer journey

Sage, Paris | Campaign Manager
SeptembER 2017 - AUGUST 2019 | 2 Years

. Design E-mailing campaigns  adapted to the target markets (Local and International) for Sage 50 and 100 (Payroll and HR for SMBs)
. Campaigns implementation, follow-up and issue resolution
. Provide effective planning, development, delivery and optimization of end-to-end programs to drive increased engagement and advocacy and to ensure campaigns efficiency
. Monitor campaign success and reporting with an analytical eye (KPIs) in order to improve future campaigns,
. Stakeholder management, collaboration throughout fundamental organizational departments and communication skills in a matrixed environment
. End-to-end customer nurture journeys and deliver programs (webinars, direct mail, email programs, etc) designed to optimize and drive customer success.

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