Full Name: Delna Dsouza
E-Mail Address: delna.dsouza@gmail.com
Mobile Number: +96565089622
Current Location - City/Country: Kuwait
Sector : Admin, Human Resource, Logistics
Job Designation (Current): Admin & HR – Personal Assistant
Job Designation (Wanted): Human Resource/Admin
Main Skill Set/Expertise: • Office administration, organizational skills and attention to detail. • Good communication, leadership, and time-management skills. • Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy confidentiality concerning financial and employee files. • Planning, developing and facilitating a training program. • Developing a comprehensive program evaluation and performance intervention plan. • Research, affinity diagramming, needs analysis, data analysis and administrative skills. • Excellent interpersonal skills, team building skills, analytical and problem solving skills and decision making skills. • Expertise at multi-tasking, public relations, customer service, project management, database management and event management. • Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office, Google Docs.
Experience in Number of Years: 8 years
Highest Degree/ Diploma/ Certification: Masters - M.S. - Human Resource Education
Visit Visa Expiry Date: n/a
E-Mail Address: delna.dsouza@gmail.com
Mobile Number: +96565089622
Current Location - City/Country: Kuwait
Sector : Admin, Human Resource, Logistics
Job Designation (Current): Admin & HR – Personal Assistant
Job Designation (Wanted): Human Resource/Admin
Main Skill Set/Expertise: • Office administration, organizational skills and attention to detail. • Good communication, leadership, and time-management skills. • Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy confidentiality concerning financial and employee files. • Planning, developing and facilitating a training program. • Developing a comprehensive program evaluation and performance intervention plan. • Research, affinity diagramming, needs analysis, data analysis and administrative skills. • Excellent interpersonal skills, team building skills, analytical and problem solving skills and decision making skills. • Expertise at multi-tasking, public relations, customer service, project management, database management and event management. • Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office, Google Docs.
Experience in Number of Years: 8 years
Highest Degree/ Diploma/ Certification: Masters - M.S. - Human Resource Education
Visit Visa Expiry Date: n/a
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