Active Directory Manager, Configuration/Troubleshooting networking devices, Google Cloud Manager, Installation Engineer, IT Business Continuity Manager, Network Administrator

Full Name: Abdullah Alabbas
E-Mail Address:
Mobile Number: 0578623331
Current Location - City/Country: Al Khobar/KSA
Sector : Education/Teaching
Job Designation (Current): Responsible about all the IT related services from accessories till networking devices, firewalls and wireless controller 
Job Designation (Wanted): Same as my current but in more robust environment with data centers and engaging more in Cyber-Security  
Main Skill Set/Expertise: Network administration, IT Business Continuity and, installation and configuration/troubleshooting networking devices, Active Directory, Google Cloud management, monitoring the performance of the network
Experience in Number of Years: 5
Highest Degree/ Diploma/ Certification: Master degree in information and networking security plus graduate diploma in information security
Visit Visa Expiry Date: 2025